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Visit from men in trilby hats and leather trench coats

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:52 pm
by cartoss
As we are aware there was both a real and percieved threat that "seditious comments" could land a member of the public in real trouble. This could be a one way interview (tea and biscuits not provided) to appearing before the peoples court.

Here are a few examples of period jokes that could land you in bother:

1. A high ranknig member of the NP was on an official visit to Switzerland. "Whats that big building" He asks his guide.
"The ministry of marine" comes the reply. The German official laughs and says "You have no navy why do you need such a big building?" Well replys the Swiss "in Berlin you have a huge building for the ministry of justice".


2. Lots of rabbits arrive at the Belgian border claiming asylum. "Giraffes have been declared enemies of the state" one rabbit explains. "But you are not a giraffe" replies a border official. "You try telling that to the gestapo"


Over to you....

Re: Visit from men in trilby hats and leather trench coats

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:34 pm
by Jugendkrieger
at a 4 way intersection in Berlin a Kubel, V3000, Motorrad, and a Panzer Crash. Who's Fault is it?
....The Jews.

Re: Visit from men in trilby hats and leather trench coats

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:47 pm
Knock knock!
- Who's there?
- Gestapo.
- Gestapo who?
- (slap them in face)
- VE vill ask ze questions!


- Haff you heard ze latest gestapo joke?
- No...
- (slap them in the face)


- A little while later go back in:
- Haff you heard ze latest gestapo joke?
- Eeerrrr....Yes.
- (slap them in the face)