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The bravest man....

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:38 pm
In my medical career I have heard many noteable quotes related to combat medics/Corpsmen...such as:

"The combat medics were the bravest men on the battlefield".

Regarding a WW1 medic: "(He) was the bravest man I ever saw".

From an elderly friend of mine that served in WW2, "When the s_ _ t began to fly we all went to ground and dug in fast...our rifle quickly became our best friend! What I couldn't believe were the Corpsmen...these magnificent guys would run right out between us and the enemy and tend to the wounded with rounds flying all around them. Man, I wouldn't have done that for anything".

From an elderly WW2 Marine, "When we went on liberty and hit the bars the DOCs never had to buy a drink for themselves".

It takes a special breed of man to become a medic/corpsman. It takes someone who 'volunteers' to care more about his fellow soldiers/Marines than he does about himself. He is the man who fought to save lives when everyone around him was in the business of taking them.

I don't care what flag a medic fought under...they are to be admired.

Ron Anderson