War sex tourism in Poland and France

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War sex tourism in Poland and France

Post by grenadier181 »

Wojenna seksturystyka. W Polsce i we Francji

Za to pomysły, jakie rodziły się w głowach żołnierzy Wehrmachtu, wciąż budzą przerażenie. Jak pisze "Spiegel", niemieccy generałowie mieli ogromny problem z utrzymaniem na wodzy popędów seksualnych żołnierzy. - W Warszawie nasi żołnierze musieli czekać w kolejce na zewnątrz budynku (domu publicznego -red.). W Radomiu pierwszy pokój był pełny, a reszta stała na zewnątrz. Każda kobieta miała 14-15 mężczyzn na godzinę. Kobiety wymieniali co dwa dni - opisuje jeniec nazwiskiem Wallus. Z kolei inny więzień, nazwiskiem Niwiem, opisuje, jak we Francji widział "żołnierzy łapiących dziewczyny w barze i rzucających je na stoły" - Mężatki też - podkreśla jeniec. Czasem jednak nawet współwięźniowie oburzali się, słuchając opowieści kolegów, jak na przykład żołnierz nazwiskiem Reimbold, który usłyszał opis "zabawy" młodego porucznika i jego kamratów z jedną ze schwytanych kobiet. Żołnierze pastwili się nad dziewczyną, bili ją kijem po piersiach, bagnetem po plecach, następnie zgwałcili, postrzelili, i obrzucili granatami. - Przy moim stole śmiało się z tego ośmiu niemieckich oficerów - relacjonuje Reimbold. - Wstałem i powiedziałem: "Panowie, tego już za wiele".

"Po przeczytaniu stenogramów o zabijaniu i umieraniu można dość do niepokojącego przekonania, że moralność, która kształtuje działania ludzi, nie jest zakorzeniona w nich samych, ale w strukturach, które ich otaczają. A jeśli się zmienią, wszystko jest możliwe, nawet absolutne zło" - napisał "Der Spiegel.

War sex tourism in Poland and France

Ideas conceived by Wehrmacht soldiers are shocking even today. According to ' Der Spieger' German officers struggled to control sexual urges of their soldiers. In Warsaw our soldiers had to queue outside the building (a brother, red.). In Radom one room was full and the the rest of the soldiers were waiting outside. Every woman had to take 14-15 men per hour. The women were exchanged every two days - describes a prisoner of war called Wallus. Another captive, called Niwiem, describes how he saw in France 'soldiers hunting women in a bar and throwing them on the tables' - married women too - ephasizes Niwiem. Sometimes even the cammerades were disgusted while listening to the colleagues' stories. For example a soldier named Reimbold, who heard a shocing desription of 'fun' that one young lieutenant and his cammerades had with a captured woman. They were torturing her, they beat her breast with a bat, they beat her shoulder with a rifle and the raped her, shot her and threw grenades at her. - Eight german offciers were laughing at this story - tells Reimbold - I stood up and said 'Gentlemen, it's enough'.

After reading the stenograms about killing and dying it's inevitable to reach the conclusion that the morality that shapes people's conduct is not rooted in themselves but in the surrounding structures. If they change, everything is possible, even absolute evil - Der Spiegel.

It's a book about Wehrmacht soldiers kept hostage in the UK and America. They were under surveillance but unaware of this, they kept talking to each other about their war crimes, rapes, murdering civilians and Holocaust (they were well aware of it). This is the end of the myth of heroic Wehrmacht soldiers.

Re: War sex tourism in Poland and France

Post by Stigroadie »

grenadier181 wrote:This is the end of the myth of heroic Wehrmacht soldiers.
I very much doubt it.
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Re: War sex tourism in Poland and France

Post by Max »

My Grandfather was garrisoned in Paris in 43, the first thing their officer put very clearly to them was to behave with correction with the French population and especially the woman’s; and told them that any assault on a woman was punished with death.

In any army the size of the German one always are a portion of psychopaths and other fauna. To put all the men of the army in the same category its plain BS. :evil:
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Re: War sex tourism in Poland and France

Post by SS FG »

Everything I have read about the vast German Military Police organization (FG, FJ, GFP etc) and documentation would indicate what was listed by the OP would be the exception rather than the rule. Of course there have been examples of rape and abuse in every theater of war from the very beginnings of warfare to today. To single out the German Army in WWII is rather unfair. I can easily find the same or worse examples listed about Russian soldiers against German women and Japanese soldiers against Chinese women.
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Re: War sex tourism in Poland and France

Post by Sturmpionier1939 »

Here's an interesting documentary concerning this topic:

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