2nd-SS Das Reich

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Jon Das Reich

2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by Jon Das Reich »

The 2.SS first took part in the Campaigns in the West against the Low Countries and France in 1940, and did so as the SS-V.T.-Division. It first saw action in the main drive for Rotterdam. After Rotterdam the Division, along with other Divisions, intercepted a French Force and pushed them back to the area of Zeeland. Next, it was used to mop-up small pockets of resistance in the areas already captured by the Germans. The Division was then transfered to France and helped breach a stiffly defended canal line, and then participated in the drive on Paris. At the end of the Campaign, it had advanced all the way to the Spanish Frontier.

Originally, the SS-V.T.-Division was composed of three of the original four SS-Standarten. LAH was the other SS-Standarten, and it was developed on its own. The other three SS-Standarten were Deutschland, Germania and Der Fuhrer. After the Western Campaign was over, the SS-V.T.-Division was reorganized. The SS-Standarten Germania was transfered out of the Division and along with the SS-Standarten, Nordland and Westland, formed the backbone of a different SS-Division, Germania, which was soon to become the Wiking Division. For the loss of Germania, the SS-V.T.-Division was given a SS-Totenkopfstandarte designated as SS-Infanterie Regiment 11. Soon after, the Division changed its title from V.T. to Deutschland, and soon after that, to Reich.

During the period after the fall of France, the Division was stationed in France preparing for the invasion of England. The Division, now called Reich, was moved to Roumania to take part in the invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece in March of 1941. In April, 1941, Reich took part in the successful capture of Belgrade with a handful of men, the Capital of Yugoslavia. After the capture of Belgrade, the Division was moved to Poland to take part in the upcoming invasion of the Soviet Union.

During the invasion of the Soviet Union, Reich fought with Army Group Center, taking part in the Battle of Yalnya near Smolensk, and then in the spearhead to capture Moscow. Reich came within a few miles of the Soviet Capital in November, 1941, reaching a sort of "High Water Mark" of the Germanadvance in the Soviet Union. With the Soviet Capital within sight of the Division, weather, massive losses and a major Soviet Winter Counter-Offensive pushed the Division back. After a period of very bloody losses for the Division, Reich was pulled out of the fighting and sent to France to refit as a Panzer-Grenadier Division. Part of the Division was left in the East, and they were titled Kampfgroup Ostendorf. Ostendork was sent to join Reich on June, 1942.

In November, 1942, portions of the Division took part in an attempt to prevent the scuttling of the French Fleet at Toulon. Soon after, the Division was retitled again, this time to SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Das Reich".

Early in 1943, Das Reich was transferd back to the Eastern Front where it helped reclaim the crumbling central front around Kharkov. After helping recapture the city of Kharkov, Das Reich along with many other Divisions was thrown into a massive assault into the Kursk Salient, a huge bulge in the Soviet Front line around the area of Kursk. Das Reich pushed upwards of 40 miles into the southern sector of the bulge, but was pulled out of the battle along with the other SS-Division when the offensive was called off. After a period of brief encounters, Das Reich was refit once again, this time as SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich". In doing so, it left a portion the Division in the East titled Kampfgroup Das Reich, and officially know as Kampfgroup Lammerding. The rest of the Division was transferd to the West to refit, and while doing so also took part in anti-partisan operations in France.

In Winter, 1943/1944, another massive Soviet Winter Counter Offensive managed to encircle German units in the center of the front. The Kamfgroup that Das Reich left behind was one of the units encircled by the Soviet Offensive, and an assault by II. SS Panzer Korps managed to rescue the trapped elements of Das Reich. The Kampfgroup was then transfered to France to join the rest of the Division already station there. The remaining small portion of Das Reich left in the East was renamed Kampfgroup Weidinger and was envolved in the retreats through Proskurow abd Tarnopol.

After the D-Day invasion in Normany, France, Das Reich was comitted to stop the Allied advance, and took part in the many attempts to stop the Allies near Caen and St. Lo. The Division recaptured Mortain, but was forced to retreat when it became apparent the Allies were going to encircle the Division along with a large number of other German units in the Falises Pocket. Thanks to the efforts of Das Reich along with the 9th SS-Panzer Division, a large number of German were able to escape the pocket and retreat to the east.

Pulled back across the Seine River and then to behind the West Wall fortifications in France, the 2nd SS Panzer Division then took part in the operations to punch through the Ardennes Forest in December, 1944. Coming within sight of the River Meus, the Division was halted, and then slowly smashed by fierce Allied counter-attacks. Pulled out of the offensive, Das Reich was transfered into Germany to again refit, and then to take part in the last German offenisve of the war in Hungary to attempt to break the seige around Budapest. This offensive also ground to a halt, and Das Reich spent the rest of the war more-or-less fighting in parts from Dresden, to Prague to Vienna. In the end, most of the Division managed to escape to the West to surrender to the Americans.
Helmut Von Moltke

Post by Helmut Von Moltke »

My version, which I wrote up for my website. I normally do not post my stuff, but I have posted this on another forum before. I've als oadded a bit.
The divisional insignia changed throughout the war, but the Wolfsangel basic design remained.

This famous unit was originally known as the SS-Verfungstruppe Division in the early stages of the war, being formed from the SS Standarte 'Deutschland', 'Germania' and 'Der Fuehrer'. Command of this division was given to Paul Hausser. SS-VT first took part in the Western campaign of 1940, fighting in the attack on Rotterdam and pushed French troops out of the Zeeland area, then helped destroy a French defense line during the attack on Paris, and advanced to the Spanish border.

After the campaign the 'Germania' Standarte was moved to build the Division 'Wiking', and for compensation received a SS-Totenkopf Standarte. It was then renemaed 'Das Reich', and in April 1941 was transferred to Romania for the Balkans campaign, capturing Belgrade. It was during this battle that Fritz Klingenberg of the division with a handful of men captured Belgrade by forcing the mayor to surrender, after crossing the nearby river in boats, earning the Knight's Cross. Unfortunately Klingenberg was KIA in 1945 on the Western Front.

'Das Reich' received it's first armour, a Sturmgeschutze Battery under Obersturmfuehrer Telkamp in 1941. During the 1941 attack against the Soviet Union, 'Das Reich' fought in Generaloberst Guderian's Panzergruppe 2 of Heeresgruppe Mitte, and won a rare praise from Guderian. 'Das Reich' nearly captured Moscow in November 1941, but unfortunately cold weather and heavy losses bogged down the attack, and then 'Das Reich' was on the defensive, loosing 4000 casualties. SS Standarte 'Der Fuehrer' was ordered to hold a particular part of the line, and held it, at the cost of having only 35 men surviving.

'Das Reich' was pulled back to France to be upgraded to a Panzer Division, received a battalion of Tiger Is and took part in the occupation of Southern France in November 1942. The new Panzer Regiment in the division's strngth was 66 Panzer IIIs, 60 Panzer IVs and 4 Tigers, and was commanded by Sturmbannfuehrer Vahl, later replaced by Obersturmbannfuehrer von Reitzenstein. It was transferred to II. SS-Panzerkorps, and it was part of the pincer that surrounded Kharkov that allowed the Leibstandarte to capture the city on March 15 1943. It was then part of the attack on the Kursk salient of Operation Citadel in July 1943 and captured 40 miles, but was withdrawn when Citadel was called off. It briefly took part in the defensive operations just after the faliure of Citadel, most notably in the successful counterattack at Hill 233.3. On 1 November 'Das Reich' scored it's 2000th tank kill, the highest ratio i nthe Waffen-SS. For the actions of the Panzers of 'Das Reich', Reitzenstein received the Knight's Cross, however soon after he was charged with misconduct, and committed suicide. The replacement for Reitzenstein was Tychsen, a legend of 'Das Reich'.

'Das Reich' was pulled out to France, and left behind a Kampfgruppe in the Eastern Front, which was known as 'Kampfgruppe Das Reich' and later 'Kampfgruppe Lammerdeing', named after it's commander. It was encircled, but relieved by a counterattack by the II. SS-Panzerkorps in the winter of 1943/44. The Kampfgruppe rejoined 'Das Reich' in France, and the remaining portions left in the Eastern Front became Kampfgruppe Weidinger, and took part in the withdrawal fom Tarnpool.

After D-Day, 'Das Reich' rejoined II. SS-Panzerkorps, where it would remain for the rest of the war. It was during the march from Southern France to Normandy that it took part in anti-partisan operations which gave 'Das Reich' a bad name. However, in Tulle, the execution of 90 partisans was entirely legal by the Geneva Convention which did not recognized partisans as legitimate soldiers, and adding on the fact that 50 or so German soldiers in the town had been killed and mutilated after surrender. Without doubt, a company of 'Der Fuehrer' under Dieckmann, who committed suicide after, committed a fearful excess in Oradour, and one naturally feels sympathy and grief for the victims. However it was the act of 1 company out of 70 in 'Das Reich', so the division should not be held responsible collectively for the excess. It held up in Normandy, fought in the savage battles for Hill 112, had legenday actions such as 'Barkmann's Corner' where Oberscharfuehrer Barkmann knocked out many Shermans, earning him the Knight's Cross and recaptured Mortain, but was fighting desperately in the Falaise pocket. However unfortunately Tychsen was KIA in Normandy. Through it's defensive actions, many German units escaped.

It tried to break through during the Ardennes offensive of December 1944, but was halted just near the River Meuse, and was slowly destroyed by Allied power. Barkmann and several Panthers of 'Das Reich' performed another extraordinary feat in the Ardennes, knocking out immobile columns of Shermans, and many Allied crews abandoned Shermans which had not been knocked out. However no matter how brave the Waffen-SS men fought, they could not turn the tide of Allied supremacy of Steel and Iron. It was pulled back to Germany and sent in the disastrous attack in Hungary, and pulled back to Austria in April 1945, where it fought for a few days in Vienna then pulled back after destroying several bridges there to prevent the Soviets from effective pursuit, then surrendered to the Americans. Standarte 'Der Fuehrer' under Otto Weidinger was stuck in Prauge, but fortunately through clever use of force and negotiation with Czech insurgents, managed to break out and march out of Prauge in an orderly march column with all other nearby German units and German civilians, and surrender to the Western Allies.

Order of Battle:

Stab der Division
2. SS-Panzer Regiment
3. SS-Panzer Grenadier Regiment 'Deutschland'
4. SS-Panzer Grenadier Regiment 'Der Fuehrer'
2. SS-Artillerie Regiment
2. SS-Kradschutzen Battalion
2. SS-Sturmgeschutz Abteilung
2. SS-Aufklarungs Abteilung
2. SS-Panzerjaegar Abteilung
2. SS-Flak Abteilung
2. SS-Panzer-Pioneer Battalion
2. SS-Nachrichten Abteilung
2. SS-Wirtschafts Battalion
2. SS-Nachschubdienste
2. SS-Instandsetzungsabteilung
2. SS-Sanitatsabteilung

Oberstgruppenführer Paul Hausser, 10.19.39 - 10.14.41
Obergruppenführer Wilhelm Bittrich, 10.14.41- 12.31.41
Obergruppenführer Matthias Kleinheisterkamp, 12.31.41 - 4.19.42
Obergruppenführer George Keppler, 4.19.42 - 2.10.43
Brigadeführer Hebert-Ernst Vahl, 2.10.43 - 3.18.43
Oberführer Kurt Brasack, 3.18.43 - 3.29.43
Obergruppenführer Walter Krüger, 3.29.43 - 10.23.43
Gruppenführer Heinz Lammerding, 10.23.43 - 7.24.44
Standartenführer Christian Tychsen, 7.24.44 - 7.28.44
Brigadeführer Otto Baum, 7.28.44 - 10.23.44
Gruppenführer Heinz Lammerding, 10.23.44 - 1.20.45
Standartenführer Karl Kreutz, 1.20.45 - 1.29.45
Gruppenführer Werner Ostnedorff, 1.20.45 - 3.09.45
Standartenführer Rudolf Lehmann, 3.09.45 - 4.13.45
Standartenführer Karl Kreutz, 4.13.45 - 5.08.45
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by Tychsen »

A good account of the Division.
Mark Yerger has written a number of good books on the division and its major personalities.
"Knights of Steel" Volumes 1 and 2 , his photo biographies of Ernst Kragg and Otto Weidinger ,
lastly his German Cross in Gold Series , (Vol.3 to be out shortly).
These are all quite excellent.

I was unaware that Diekmann took his own life - what
I had previously read had stated that he was killed fighting in Normandy.
Silvester Stadler had pushed for Court martial action to be taken against Diekmann after Oradour and it was apparrently Hitler who quashed it.

Tulle , I would keep an open mind on the death of those shot and hanged - according to Max Hastings in his book " Das Reich" the resistance fighters fled when DR arrived , a great many who were hanged were hanged as an act of reprisal and not for any direct involvement with the fighting.
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by SchnellMeyer »

Hi Jon , love your post about the Das Reich Division .I would love to share a photo that I have which was taken in the late 80's at a Das Reich reunion .In this photo are four very famous SS Divisional Commanders who all started out in DR .This photo was signed by all four men , each of these men won the Knight's Cross, Oak leaves and Swords .
From left to right is , Otto Weidinger, Heinz Harmel, Otto Kumm and Otto Baum .
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by Tychsen »

Das Reich was the first field division comprised entirely of SS personnel and of created on
created on October 10th 1939.
The infantry of this division consisted of the :
Verfugungs-Standarten: SS- Standarte 1 "Deutschland" ,
SS-Standarte 2 "Germania" and
SS - Standarte 3 " Der Fuhrer"

Its official title was SS- Standarte V.T.- Division (mot) .
Paul Hausser was its commander.

The SS-Verfugungsdivsion took part in the drive towards Rotterdam in May 1940 and in France being attached to Panzergruppe Kleist in its davance to paris , by the end of the french campaign it stood on the Spanish frontier.

On 3rd December [Regiment /i]Germania was transferred to join other Waffen SS units which formed the new SS division Germania.
(The other units being the Regiments
Westland , Nordland and SS- Arillery Regiment 5.)

To compensate for the loss of
Germania an SS- Totenopfstandarte was alloacted to the SS-Verfugngsdivision and designated SS-Infanterie Regiment 11.

On 3rd December 1940 the unit changed its name to [/u]SS-Division Deutschland.
To avoid confusion with the existing regiment of the same name in January 1941 it was designated the name Das Reich.

In April 1941 Das Reich took part in the invasion of Yugoslavia and the assult on Belgrade which surrendered to an assult group led by Hauptsturmfuhrer Klinenberg who was awarded the Knight's Cross for his part in the action.The division then transferred to Poland for the coming invasion of Russia which was launched on 22nd June 1941, the division took part , attached to Army Group Centre.
It fought with distinction at Smolensk and the abortive attempt to take Moscow "Operation Typhoon" , it penetrated to within a few miles of the capital.
In March 1942 it was withdrawn having fought through the cold and bloody defensive battles in front of Moscow , having lost over 11,000 men.
Transferred to france it was refitted as a Panzer- Grenadier Division.
( Its artillery section and two mixed battalions remained in Russia rejoining the new formation in June 1942.).
In November 1942 they took part in the attempt to snatch the French Fleet at Toulon.

In early 1943 Das Reich became part of the 1st SS Panzer -Korp which attempted to stall the Soviet winter offensive in the wake of the Stalingrad debacle.
Mansteins successful counter attack destroyed the russian forces which had over stretched themselves , recaptured much lost and traded ground making safe the Southern sector of the front , retaking Kharkov - only the Kursk salient remained as a thorn in the German side.

Das Reich took part in Citadel the long delayed and badly timed summer offensive to pinch out the Kursk salient.
The attack was a failure and when the Allies landed in Italy the forces which should have been there to meet thme had been wrecked chasing a lost cause in Russia.

December 1943 saw an advacned staff being sent to Stablack in East Prussia with a view to establishing Das Reich as a Panzer Division.
In early 1944 portions of the Division were transferred to training grounds near Borbeaux whilst the remainder of the division was retained in the east as Kampfgruppe Das Reich ( unofficially known as Kampfgruppe Lammerding.
In France the division was responsible for hanging 99 people in the French village of Tulle.
( See "Das Reich" by Max Hastings)
In April 1944 Das Reich fought to relieve German forces encircled in the east ( Korsum), following which LSSAH went to Belgium and [iKampfgruppe Lammerding
went to Southern France both to await the impending invasion from England.
April 44 saw the remainder of the division still in Russia designated as
Kampfgruppe Weidinger , this battlegroup fought in the retreat to Tarnopol.
June 44 saw Das Reich on the move through France towards Normandy to engage the successful landings in Normandy - the advance was delayed by a well orchestrated series of attacks on soft skin vehicles and on bridges - the divsion had no tank transposrters so all armoured vehicles had to move on their own tracks - the division was in effect using supplies intended for battle to get to the Caen.
In reprisal for the death of an oficer the division destroyed the village of Oradour sur glane , shooting the men and blowing up the women and children in the village church , those who attempted to escape were shot.
( James Lucas's book "Das Reich" will be of absolutely no help in giving any information on this crime - again see Hastings for details).
4th Panzer -grenadier Regiment Der Fuhrer was responsible, by the end of the war most of those who took part had in turn been killed.

Das Reich was deployed North of Coutances and St.Lo and along the Villers Caen Road in attempots to contain the British and American forces pressing in these sectors, at this time Christian Tychsen the Divisional Commander was killed , american soldiers stripped his unifrom and body for souviners - not having seen such a highranking officer before - as a rsult his body wehn it was buried was unidentified.In the early 1970's his body was exhumed and identified.

Threatened by superior forces the Division retreated via the Falaise pocket crossing the Seine at Roun in late August.
Transferring to Dietrichs 6th Panzer Army , taking part in the mission impossible attack in the Ardennes , held in reserve it was attached to Haso von Manteuffel's southern Army attacking at St. Vith.
In sight of the Meuse river it was halted having out ran its supplies , losses were heavy and the quality of replacements was no longer there.
Reinforced the division was sent to Hungary tasked with relieving the surrounded German forces in Budapest , the mission was doomed to failure from the outset.
From March through to April the remnants of Das reich fought a series of rearguard actions into Austria elements of the division being scatteed from as far away as Dresden , Vienna and Prague.
In May the surviving units surrendered to the Americans.

Divisional Commanders.

Oct. 1939 - Oct 1941 , SS Gruppenfuhrer , promoted to Obergruppenfuhrer and General der Waffen -SS Paul Hausser.

Oct. 1941- December 1941 ,Oberfuhrer , promoted to SS- Brigadefuhrer und Generalmajor der Waffen -SS Willi Bitterich.

Jan 1942 - April 1942 ,SS- Brigadefuhrer und Generalmajor der Waffen -SS Matthias Kleinheisterkamp.

April 1942 - Februsry1943 , SS-gruppenfuhrer und general leutnant der Waffen -SS Georg Keppler.

February 1943 - April 1943 , SS- Oberfuhrer Herbert Ernest Vahl.

April 1943 - November 1943 ,SS-gruppenfuhrer und Generalleutnant der Waffen -SS Walter Kruger.

December 1943- July 1944 , SS-Oberfuhrer , promoted SS-Brigadefuhrer und General der Waffen -SS Heinz Lammerding.

July (26) 1944- July (28) 1944 SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Christian Tychsen. ( Killed in action).

July 1944- December 1944 , Ss- Standartenfuhrer Otto baum.

December 1944- January 1945 , SS-Bridagefuhrer und General der Waffen -SS Heinz lammerding.

January 1945- February 1945 , SS-Standartenfuhrer Karl Kreutz.

March 1945 - April 1945 SS- Standartenfuhrer Rudolf Lehmann.

April 1945 - May 1945 SS-Standartenfuhrer Karl Kreuz.

Useful rading on the division.
"Uniforms , Organisation and History of the waffen SS Vol 2." by R.J Bender and Hugh Page Taylor. ( basis for much of the above).

Max Hasting " Das Reich" - deals largely with the Divisions movement through France in 1944 and subsequent reprisal actions taken against civilian populations.
"Knights of Steel Volumes 1 and 2" ( Structure, Developments and Personalities of 2nd SS Panzer-Division Das Reich" by Mark Yerger.
SS- Sturmbannfuhrer Ernst August Krag" Mark Yerger.
"Waffen SS Commanders Volumes 1 and 2" By Mark Yerger.
"Uniforms of the Waffen SS" by Michael Beaver.

Above , one of my favorite photos of Das Reich oficers - what appeals to me is the comradeship and the confidence Wolfgang Otto , the youngster with two tank destruction strips - soft cap looking towads the camera.
Almost all the officers in the photograpgh went on to become hodlers of the German Cross in Gold.
From left to right. Hermann Bolte (2/7/44) , Friederich-Wilmelm Graun , 16/9/43) , Ernt Krag, Wolfgang Otto (12/3/44) and Hartmut Braun.
The Stug in the background is krag's command vehicle.
Krag wears the German Cross cloth version.
Above a portrait photo of Krag after his having been awarded Oakleaves to his Knight's Cross.

Christian Tychsen , having been awarded his Knights Cross , Otto Kumm and Vincent Kaiser.
This photo taken after the post Kharkov award cermony.
Tychsen later recieved a serious and disfiguring wound between his lip and chin.
Kaiser cuts an impressive figure , Dk in Gold , Knight's Cross , Iron Cross first Class, infantry assult badge and four tank destruction badges.
A last photo of Tychsen , a career soldier.
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by SchnellMeyer »

Hi Tychsen , I note you seem to have a special interest in the Division Das Reich so I would like to share some photos of two Knight Cross Holders from this Division that I met some years ago .
The first is the Panther ace Ernst Barkmann who is well known for his actions in Normandy especially on the road from St.Lo where he took out several Shermans at "Barkmann's Corner " .Ernst is still alive and well .Note I am holding his original Knight's Cross in my hand .He also has his war time photo album with his Das Reich cufftitle on the cover .This album covers from before the war till May 1945 in Austria .Ernst was never a POW , what a super guy .
Secondly is Karl Heinz Boska , again I met him at his home in Germany .What a gentleman , I spent a whole day in his home talking and looking at photos , sadly Karl passed away a few years ago .
Hope you guys like the photos .
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by Franz repper »

My dear SchnellMeyer I hate you I do :lol: To spend that time with such great people
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by SchnellMeyer »

And I love you too Franz , ha ha . My friend it was a great honour for me to meet these great men , many have now passed away but thank god some are also still alive and well .Over the last twenty years or so I have met so many German veterans , if you have a special veteran let me know who it is .Maybe I have a spare signed photo or material which I will gladly give you .This is another side to our hobby which for me is very important .I have 100's of photos from German WW2 veterans reunions .

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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by Tychsen »

Schnellmeyer ,certainly fortunate to meet some folks who have been such a part of history.
Those whom I have met have for the best part been RAF Bomber and Coastal men , including two VC holders - what stirkes me most is the total modesty - all to a man very unassuming.
Sadly the war does leave its mark and certainly the down side is seeing them lose the battle against time -the same race we all are running in.

Thanks for posting up the photos .

Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by Peiper »

Servus lads, once again Schellmeyer outstanding photos as i said before you must have an outstanding archives. Following the thread of Das Reich, iam putting a uniform together from scratch, what piping was it these men used? Obviously the unit was changed from Panzer to PanzerGrenadier in 42, was it green or pink, also i have asked this other question before, i read the SS wore campaign armsheilds sewn directly over the top of their SS arm eagles, is this correct?. If you are reading Schellmeyer, you offered to post up some pictures of forum members favourites, if you have any photos of Wittmann or Peiper that would be great, i have only seen the standard pictures of these two figures which have been printed in most Military books, some candid shots would be fantastic. anyway, great stuff lads! [quote] "I'll show you where the Iron Crosses grow"
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by SchnellMeyer »

Hi Peiper , glad to see you are enjoying the material that I am posting .I will put up some nice Peiper and Wittmann photos next week for you .Must dig them out of my archive first .
Just a note on the "Das Reich" tunic that you are putting together , have a look around this forum first for similar tunics .This may save you time and money .If you need help let me know , I have a large collection of SS tunics and am pretty well up on thid field also .

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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by RudyWerner »

SchnellMeyer wrote:And I love you too Franz , ha ha . My friend it was a great honour for me to meet these great men , many have now passed away but thank god some are also still alive and well .Over the last twenty years or so I have met so many German veterans , if you have a special veteran let me know who it is .Maybe I have a spare signed photo or material which I will gladly give you .This is another side to our hobby which for me is very important .I have 100's of photos from German WW2 veterans reunions .

I don't suppose by chance you met Wilfred Richter, Fritz Christen or Max Seela did you? All RK holders from 3rd SS. I know Richter died in 1981, not sure of the other two but I think Christen is still alive.
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by Tychsen »

Justin , do you collect period tunics ?
If you do "respect for the man" it is a high end market even for the most basic .
The re unions - by all means post a few more photos up - your "now anad then ones" were very interesting.
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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by SchnellMeyer »

Hi Rudy , sadly Richter, Seela and Christian are all dead .I did meet Seela some years ago by pure accident .I was at the home of a Totenkopf vet and Seela happened to call by on the same day .He was a very quite and modest man ,I did get a nice signed photo of him , can post it if you wish . I also met Johann Fiedler and Joseph Rollecke , both these men got their "RK" on the same day .I have a nice photo of them being paraded after the award ceremoney .
James in due course I will post some more "Then & Now" photos .

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Re: 2nd-SS Das Reich

Post by RudyWerner »

SchnellMeyer wrote:Hi Rudy , sadly Richter, Seela and Christian are all dead .I did meet Seela some years ago by pure accident .I was at the home of a Totenkopf vet and Seela happened to call by on the same day .He was a very quite and modest man ,I did get a nice signed photo of him , can post it if you wish . I also met Johann Fiedler and Joseph Rollecke , both these men got their "RK" on the same day .I have a nice photo of them being paraded after the award ceremoney .
James in due course I will post some more "Then & Now" photos .
Ah, thats quite sad news, my information is out of date. Any photos or information on any TK Ritterkreuztrager would be wery welcome indeed. :)
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