NLBA Disgrace!

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Hoffman Grink

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Hoffman Grink »

No not riled Les and no need to apologise.... But best not to always make assumptions....... Truly - W&P is a Military Vehicle Show - Living History is just a part of it.
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Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Casbah Rock »

I thought the sticker numpties were MVT members. That's was I was told by a few people who had seen them stickering that night.
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Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Stigroadie »

Then there must be two lots dressed as Mad Max?
East of England are not nlba and historically they do the Mad Max as they did this year.
You must have bumped into the 'other' version? That or they were being ironic.
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Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Sturmschar »

Lawks!! I didn’t realise I was stirring up a hornets nest.

Ok lets get one or two things straight – firstly the “stickers” this little lark was perpetrated by disgruntled members of IMPS (Invicta Military Vehicle Preservation Society) and yes I know there’s no V in the acronym. IMPS were the folk who started Beltring way way back when PD was slim and I had hair, Rex being a man of business, mmm how should I put it, he “looked after” the development of W&P and realising that there was not a natural money spinner in a show devoted to hundreds of Land Rovers, Bedford QL’s and Jeeps (aargh no disrespect to the Jeep owners particularly Mr Kitchen), thus IMPS were not entirely satisfied with the way it developed – hence the advent of stickers.

Secondly NLBA were certainly a part of the “original” IMPS inspired Beltring and Rex being a pragmatist didn’t want to rock the boat and tried to involve them in the running of the show. This was a big mistake as Les and I and I am very sure many others have found out! I graphically remember the ramifications of Rex allowing them to undertake security on the old beer tent, now known as the Dray, suffice to say it was not nice and nobody laughed – so that only lasted one show!!! The problem is that Rex has persisted in trying (utterly mistakenly) to involve them in the organisation of W&P and accordinly the boot of destiny is now approaching the arse of anticipation!! Rex it is time to ban them!!

Ok now I am going to say something HUGELY controversial – I agree with both Paul and Les - Les is right that the withdrawal of re-enactors from W&P would be very damaging for Rex, clearly the “great unwashed” would not stand for being charged a benefit scroungers weekly income to maunder round hundreds of stalls selling bespoke crap and observe miserable people in t-shirts and assorted DPM squatting malignly beside their uninteresting “Green Machines” with their equally horrible children, quite apart from being forced to endure the filthy and inadequate toilet facilities which would have made Franz Stangel blush!! Paul is also correct in saying that Rex would not give a monkeys as he would fill the hole with Rudolf and his talking Labrador and hordes of twonks playing bleeding Glenn Miller music and singing Vera Lynn and George Formby songs. RIGHT here it comes this is a clear case for having one body that speaks for re-enactors – Rex is not going to listen to a bunch of folk behaving like a bunch of Polish Beetroot Farmers whining about their vodka allotment, but is more likely to take notice of a body that represents re-enactors!

Christ what have I said gasps and staggers of to find solace with the Very Reverend Dr Hate Crime – he’s house trained you know! :twisted:
Always keep the boot of destiny aimed at the arse of anticipation!

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by meyer »

RIGHT here it comes this is a clear case for having one body that speaks for re-enactors – Rex is not going to listen to a bunch of folk behaving like a bunch of Polish Beetroot Farmers whining about their vodka allotment, but is more likely to take notice of a body that represents re-enactors!
Hmmmmmm sounds like a good idea.Now before paul jumps in and surjest afra(hold up paul and let me finnish first) first lets get all the axis people talking togther.Now hear comes the idea ..... lets get headshed +one from each group togther at detling for a little informal talk?ok paul you can now start ripping this to bits :wink:
Hoffman Grink

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Hoffman Grink »

LOL Steve
I read it over an hour ago and deliberately didn't suggest anything.

I have however been invited to stay at Rex's in the next week or so to discuss several things...... perhaps I might use the opportunity myself........

What you have to remember is - We don't have a say. We can either choose to attend or not....... W&P ain't a democracy - it's a business.

When a representative body emerges - let me know. I'd like the recipe :lol:

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by meyer »

When a representative body emerges - let me know. I'd like the recipe
maybe there will never be such a thing but is good to talk and in all the time i have done ww2 there has never been a time when groups on a whole have never been on such good terms.
I have however been invited to stay at Rex's in the next week or so to discuss several things...... perhaps I might use the opportunity myself........
sounds like a good time to surjust a move from the past (nlba) and move to the future (re-enactors)
What you have to remember is - We don't have a say. We can either choose to attend or not....... W&P ain't a democracy - it's a business.
and as a good business man rex should be able to spot a drag on his business and the nlba are a drag
oh and all my best recipes have cognac in them :D
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Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by grenmartens »

Hoffman Grink wrote: What you have to remember is - We don't have a say. We can either choose to attend or not....... W&P ain't a democracy - it's a business.
Yup, that's right Paul. Made my choice 4 years ago and I've never been back. There's no sense in whinging if we're honest, W&P is what it is and will no doubt remain what it is.

I get my kicks elsewhere and at the end of the day we all have choices!
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Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by barnaclebill »

RIGHT here it comes this is a clear case for having one body that speaks for re-enactor
Yes it was mooted before and got smacked down in no uncertain terms.

There is only one uniting factor about WW2 reenacators and that's they wear green.. Apart from the ones who wear grey, or blue... or white even.... may be tan also. Get the idea?

I haven't attended W&P for many years, voted with my feet.
Matt, 85th Gebirgsjager, part of the '39-45 Society'.
Hoffman Grink

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Hoffman Grink »

barnaclebill wrote:
RIGHT here it comes this is a clear case for having one body that speaks for re-enactor
Yes it was mooted before and got smacked down in no uncertain terms.

There is only one uniting factor about WW2 reenacators and that's they wear green.. Apart from the ones who wear grey, or blue... or white even.... may be tan also. Get the idea?

I haven't attended W&P for many years, voted with my feet.
When you say it got smacked down in no uncertain terms - how do you mean? As I recall you called a meeting - and then you decided not to pursue it...... after that meeting................. SO are you in fact saying you smacked it down?
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Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by barnaclebill »

No Paul, we know why. I'm not going to pursue this on this thread, PM me if you like if you need to discuss but I'm leaving it here.

Back on W&P, I've always said W&P is a military vehicle event and we are there to make them look good, whereas Detling is a reenactor event and any MVT are there to make us look good. Let's not loose sight of the fact that we are secondary in W&P, important yes, even essential in some ways but it's not a reenactor event. The literature states "War & Peace Show 2010 - The largest Military Vehicle Spectacular in the World" and that, as has been said is why the NLBA are so involved in it. I suppose we mustn't be surprised by such disgraceful behaviour when an organisation (I use the word advisedly) call the "Barmy Army" gets a position of authority. Numbers breed arrogance, you see it in politics even.
Matt, 85th Gebirgsjager, part of the '39-45 Society'.
Hoffman Grink

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Hoffman Grink »

barnaclebill wrote:No Paul, we know why. I'm not going to pursue this on this thread, PM me if you like if you need to discuss but I'm leaving it here.
Well I thought I knew why which is what I posted but obviously you have other ideas - and bluntly - I saw an inference to our organisation in there - this is a persistent theme Matt and I am here to defend and refute it whenever it arises. Again it seems you feel free to have your say openly - but when challenged then we have to go behind closed doors. I don't need to discuss anything - it's my role to ensure AFRA is not besmirched and the truth is kept to the forefront.
The National Meeting of Re-enactors was doomed from the start because it was merely a knee jerk reaction, ill conceived, ill conducted and simply a response to what some saw as a threat at the time. It was a beer hall putsch that failed. SO don't dress it up as anything else - There will come a day when the UK has a representative body - and it will never be compulsory to join.......
Hoffman Grink

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Hoffman Grink »

And to get back on topic as you want to do - I can only suggest if you have any issues with NLBA that you do as N44 did nd address them directly - Something which a large number of re-enactors feel unable to do - be it over noise, representative bodies or pitch size.....
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Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by barnaclebill »

Hoffman Grink wrote:
barnaclebill wrote:No Paul, we know why. I'm not going to pursue this on this thread, PM me if you like if you need to discuss but I'm leaving it here.
Well I thought I knew why which is what I posted but obviously you have other ideas - and bluntly - I saw an inference to our organisation in there - this is a persistent theme Matt and I am here to defend and refute it whenever it arises. Again it seems you feel free to have your say openly - but when challenged then we have to go behind closed doors. I don't need to discuss anything - it's my role to ensure AFRA is not besmirched and the truth is kept to the forefront.
The National Meeting of Re-enactors was doomed from the start because it was merely a knee jerk reaction, ill conceived, ill conducted and simply a response to what some saw as a threat at the time. It was a beer hall putsch that failed. SO don't dress it up as anything else - There will come a day when the UK has a representative body - and it will never be compulsory to join.......
Honestly? Truthfully? I really cannot be arsed anymore.
Matt, 85th Gebirgsjager, part of the '39-45 Society'.
Hoffman Grink

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Post by Hoffman Grink »

barnaclebill wrote:
Hoffman Grink wrote:
barnaclebill wrote:No Paul, we know why. I'm not going to pursue this on this thread, PM me if you like if you need to discuss but I'm leaving it here.
Well I thought I knew why which is what I posted but obviously you have other ideas - and bluntly - I saw an inference to our organisation in there - this is a persistent theme Matt and I am here to defend and refute it whenever it arises. Again it seems you feel free to have your say openly - but when challenged then we have to go behind closed doors. I don't need to discuss anything - it's my role to ensure AFRA is not besmirched and the truth is kept to the forefront.
The National Meeting of Re-enactors was doomed from the start because it was merely a knee jerk reaction, ill conceived, ill conducted and simply a response to what some saw as a threat at the time. It was a beer hall putsch that failed. SO don't dress it up as anything else - There will come a day when the UK has a representative body - and it will never be compulsory to join.......
Honestly? Truthfully? I really cannot be arsed anymore.
Then stop stirring the pot - honestly and truthfully.
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