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Re: SFK-Swedish Reenactors

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:46 pm
by Jeppsson |11.SS|
Im a Swede myself, and the I see the fins, danes and norweigns as my Country Brothers and sisters anyday!

Re: SFK-Swedish Reenactors

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:50 pm
by Jeppsson |11.SS|
reddevil1311 wrote:
mario33 wrote: BTW, funny though... Swedes dont especially like the Finns (and thety dont especially like Norwegians either). And when it comes to serious danger - they are more than eager to help each other. Worth noticing...
Ermmm. Not sure where you get this from. This is not accurate as far as I am concerned. All of the scandinavian nations are very "pro-scandinavian" patriotic.

Even ignoring the vast numbers of Swedes who volunteered in the Finnish wars (and the fact that the Swedish Government supplied these volunteers with the new Swedish M39 uniform even before the Swedish army received it), thousands of people in Sweden raised money and supplies etc for Finland, and hundreds of Finnish children were taken in as evacuees by Swedish families. (Swedish is also a second language in Finland)

Also with regard to Norway, the same humanitarian efforts were undertaken (unofficially), even with some Swedes crosing into Norway to help families etc (my wife's grandparents did this!)

True, the Swedes do tell Norwegian jokes in the same way as the English tell Irish jokes, but I would hardly say that this means they do not like them. Sweden, Norway, Finland, and to a certain extent Denmark share a proudness of not being european, but scandinavian.

Just my experience of course. Anyone from Finland, Norway of Sweden want to add anything?


I'm Swedish and very proud of it ! And I cant do anything else agree what you just said !
We are like Brothers and Sisters and there for we will also fight for each other !
