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The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:05 pm
by Schäfer
Commencing at 9pm on Thursday 6th January 2011, there is a 2 part dramatisation of 'The Laconia Incident'.

This is the infamous incident in which Werner Hartenstein's U-Boat tried to save the survivors of the RMS Laconia sinking but was instead strafed and bombed by an American plane during the rescue operation. Part 2 is on Friday 7th January, also on BBC2. ... CMP=twt_gu

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 11:57 pm
by Tychsen
Cheers Schafer , a very sad and tragic incident.

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:21 am
by Schäfer
Tychsen wrote:Cheers Schafer , a very sad and tragic incident.
My pleasure :wink: .

I also posted this on the Pozzi forum and received a typically bigoted response from an Allied re-enactor :roll: .

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:20 am
by Tychsen
I also posted this on the Pozzi forum and received a typically bigoted response from an Allied re-enactor
What was his reply ?
I do wonder what the basis of his answer ?
I utterly fail to understand why anyone should have a bigoted view of history and if the view was based on any reading or understanding of the "Laconia Incident" ?
Aid and assistance was given to all who had survived the has always been my experience that bigoted views come forth from ignorance and generally speaking no matter how passionately they are held they are quite worthless.
Would love to know what he said to you.

My old man once told me that "if you ever saw a munition ship or a tanker being blown up it was something which you would never forget".
I am more than certain that he saw more of U-Boats than the man who replied to you - my old man held no bitterness towards the U Boat crews and he knew the Battle of the Atlantic for what it was.

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:19 am
by Stigroadie
The reply was along the lines of; If he had not sunk the ship, he would not have needed to rescue any one.
You must admit he has a point? The logic is sound.

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:28 am
by West-Front
I thought the Laconia was a legitimate target in that it was unescorted (but armed). Hartenstein was only aware that it was carrying POW's when he heard Italian voices from the survivors.

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:54 am
by Schäfer
Nice to see that by merely advertising a TV programme that some debate is occuring :wink: .

However, with regard to the allied re-enactor's comments, we could all make various comments about all sort of subjects in hindsight. If it were not for, say, Von Schlieffen's plan, the ambitions of the Kaiser, or for a certain Bohemian Corporal, then these forums, and our hobby, wouldn't even exist :roll: .

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:16 pm
by Panzerrob
Schäfer wrote:Nice to see that by merely advertising a TV programme that some debate is occuring :wink: .

However, with regard to the allied re-enactor's comments, we could all make various comments about all sort of subjects in hindsight. If it were not for, say, Von Schlieffen's plan, the ambitions of the Kaiser, or for a certain Bohemian Corporal, then these forums, and our hobby, wouldn't even exist :roll: .
Well said

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:56 am
by Tychsen
Nice to see that by merely advertising a TV programme that some debate is occuring
Well said

I will second that gents ! ( makes a change from boot laces and smocks !)
The reply was along the lines of; If he had not sunk the ship, he would not have needed to rescue any one.
You must admit he has a point? The logic is sound.
True , but the then again the primary function of a submarine is to sink ships which fly the enemies flag.
As Cam says WH knew nothing about the Italian POW's until he heard them calling for help.

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:01 pm
by Hoffman Grink
LACONIA - Beeb2 - NOW - Normal Service will be resumed afterwards

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:27 pm
by Tychsen
Work gets in the way , BBC I player for me , I hope it is on there , SH1t happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:29 pm
by Hoffman Grink
Hmmmmmmmm interesting..... well laid out - good looking - emotive...... I'll wait for part two and give a verdict then

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:31 pm
by Stigroadie
I loved it.
It hasn't really explained why he picked the survivors up, clearly the human thing to do but not the military one.
Roll on part two.

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:44 pm
by Schäfer
Stigroadie wrote:I loved it.
It hasn't really explained why he picked the survivors up, clearly the human thing to do but not the military one.
Roll on part two.
Not all military men of all nations, even Germans and Nazis, were ruthless killers. Quite a few were still humane and did the 'right thing' even amidst all the suffering.

Oh, and I couldn't find any fault with the KM uniforms or equipment.. :wink:

Re: The Laconia Incident.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:54 pm
by Stigroadie
There is ruthless killing and then there is what is militarily prudent.
Hanging about in the ocean covered in the rescued was not militarily prudent?
He could have left, almost all U-boats did. The humane response is obvious but was not taken by most.
Why did he take it when so many did not?