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"My way" korean war movie - Wehrmacht ost battalion

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:23 pm
by Rosselsprung
Was perusing the dvd shelf of the local tesco when i chanced upon a dvd with two distinctly oriental lads in wehrmacht uniform..a few reviews later and i decided to pick it up to see how a korean film maker would fare bringing a lesser known aspect of ww2 to life..story inspired by photo of an oriental (korean)POW being interrogated in Normandy..story revolves around the experiences of two soldiers, one japanese, one a korean IJA conscript, who fight in the russo/japanese wars, then fight the germans as russian pows sent to the eastern front, then end up in an ost battalion on the eve of D-day..apart from a few glitches and compressing of events, not too bad. have a look!

Re: "My way" korean war movie - Wehrmacht ost battalion

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:02 pm
by Oberleutnant Ulrich
I second that! Worth seeing for sure! The thing that bothered me most was the German Major with longish hair, but a minor thing.

Re: "My way" korean war movie - Wehrmacht ost battalion

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 5:33 am
by SchutzeHagemann
The thing that bothered me was the airborne jumping during the day right near the beach... I loved everything except for the Normandy scenes. Those sucked.

Re: "My way" korean war movie - Wehrmacht ost battalion

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:33 am
by POA1944
The other little flaw i noticed is their arm shields.They are wearing shields for the Turkistan Legion..They were inland in more of southern france.The osttruppen on the beach's were POA (Russian Army of Liberation) and Georgian Legion.I also portray a Georgian and Russian Ost-truppen stationed in Normandy.