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Torn Fu d2 Replica

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:34 pm
by Simon Klaus
Hello everyone,
I jointed the forum on 2011, but didn't post anything, as can't figure out how to post pics.
Not until my daughter taught me recently, now I think I can manage it.
I am a scale modeller since youth, a German Heer collector for over three decades and served in British Army TA for 15 years.
From time to time saw many skilful member building replica radios, the first step is to search for the resin front panel.
Eventually bought a d2 resin front panel from Brad Blondet on 2014, and gather all information and photos from the internet.
So here is it after 24 months.








There are many restored relics fits on to the replica, very lucky to won a antenna relic on eBay in fair price, the six rods was a replica from Per O Christiansen.
It not just a 1:1 big model, but can talk and broadcast and making sound. All thanks to my brother in law built me a circuit with FM radio, MP3, Morse code beeper, Walkie Talkie.
You can see more detail of the process on my Facebook page: WH Restorer.


Re: Torn Fu d2 Replica

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 10:26 am
by funker50

Re: Torn Fu d2 Replica

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:29 pm
by Simon Klaus
Vielen Dank.
Ich bin nur ein großes Modell bauen.
Freundliche Grüße,

Re: Torn Fu d2 Replica

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 9:34 am
by funker50
I'd like to do a similar thing with my 1154/55 set, but haven't found a way of using a radio for the receiver yet other than spending over £300 on getting someone to rewire it all and replace valves....


Re: Torn Fu d2 Replica

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 4:50 pm
by Simon Klaus
Hello Funker50,

I don't have to worrying about rewiring the original circuit to install the electronic gadgets.
As it is just a resin front panel, and nothing real.
