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Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:33 pm
by mario33
I tried to make a catalogue of GJ reenacting groups worldwide that I know. Some of those sites, like the page of our friends from 'Michael Gaissmair', are very good reference for GJ reenactors. If your group is not here or you know a group that is not mentioned here, add them.


4 Gebirgsjäger Division ... jager.html

5 Gebirgsjäger Division

6 SS-Gebirgs Division „Nord“

New Zealand

5 Gebirgsjäger Division


6 SS-Gebirgs Division „Nord“

1 Gebirgsjäger Division of

Czech Republic

Gebirgsjäger Division


5 Gebirgsjäger Division

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:18 am
by unsam

Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 4:28 pm
by BJ

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:12 pm
by gebirgsjäger100
Our group is a little one. We are all members from bigger groups and only meet twice a year to reenact GJ
We are the 3./Geb.Jg.Rgt.100
Our web is still not opened but we have a little blog meantimes:
I'll tell you more when it happens!

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 12:38 pm
by Yuri
Time for us :wink:

Kampfgruppe "Edelweiss"
Our Group is part of Uniform and Memory Passionates Society, whitch consists already Kampfgruppe "Adler" reenacting LW Field Division, "Rota" focusing on russian side of conflict, and of course - we got guys reenacting Polish Army in 1939s september period.

All of KG "Edelweiss" members came from Poland and most of us spent few years in other Groups and have some experience in reenactment already. For today we have 5 people in our ranks - and were have an idea to close enlisting after we reach 10 people. I dont want Group to grow in numbers, but in quality :!:
We reenact 1 Kompanie 100 GJR in 1939-1945 period.

Our page is still under work and havent got Group dedicated photos on it yet - we have some from previous Groups, but for some reasons dont want to put them on the Net. After 12 I 2007 we got Our first public display at MotoVeteranBazaar - the biggest reenactment groups display panel in Poland - so we will fill that gap as fast as we can :wink:

Page adress is, and official one - whitch will start in days.

So guys - pleas wish us luck, and ....

Hurrraahhhh die GAMS !!!

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:00 pm
by gebirgsjäger100
Liebe 1. Kompanie
the members of the 3.Kompanie whish you all the best!

Hurra, die Gams
3./GJR 100

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:02 am
by Obergefreiter Hansch
We are not exactly a formed group but several members of a couple of groups here in Australia do do GJ as much as possible. We have attended a few events as GJ to include Armidale tacticals, History Alive in Brisbane and recently the Midlands Military Meet in Tasmania. In the near future, who knows, we may finally get together and officially form 2 Kompanie of Gj.Rgt.100. That is what I currently have an impression for, you will see my pics on other posts. A couple of us also do a great Sdvb.288 impression. I will post any website links we may implement in the future.

Although my main impression is that of Gr.Rgt.980, I am more and more being drawn into the ethos and history of Gebirgsjager, Gj.Rgt.100. in particular!

Berg Heil to both 1 and 3 Kompanies!


Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:57 am
by gebirgsjäger100
We will have a quite international I.Batallion of the GJR. 100!!! Very good!
Mario, we should go and visit Stefan in Australia!
Grüsse aus Barcelona!

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:57 pm
by jimbo
Hello we are from Czech Republic and we are interested in re-enactment and airsoft of German Gebirgsjagers.
Our site:

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:00 pm
by Crazy Feldgendarme
So GJ reenactment is alive and well and growing, good news all keep it up.


Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:00 pm
by glenn
About France, no accurate / official group but some guys have a strong interest for the german and italian mountain troops.

French Alps are our playground... mein Kinderspielplatz :D


Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:52 pm
by Hannibal Brooks
Although it's not a group, I'm building up my impression for Gebirgs Infanterie Regiment 756 for the Tunisian campaign. Still very much work in progress. You never know, maybe someone else out there will also have a crack at it one day.

Don't have much info on the 756th yet. The were only in action for a few months at the end of the campaign. For a while, they were part of a motorized battle group along side Schwere Abt. 501's Tiger tanks. No, I'm not planning on getting one before you ask....

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:32 pm
by Wolfenberg
Geb. Reg. 756 is famous for his fight in Long Stop Hill!!!

The Allied force initially withdrew roughly 6 miles (9.7 km) to the high positions of Longstop Hill (djebel el Ahmera) and Bou Aoukaz on each side of the river but concern over the vulnerability to flanking attacks prompted a further withdrawal west so that by the end of 10 December Allied units held a defensive line just east of Medjez el Bab. Here they started a buildup for another attack, and were ready by late December, 1942. The continued but slow buildup had brought Allied force levels up to a total of 54,000 British, 73,800 American, and 7,000 French troops. A hasty intelligence review showed about 125,000 combat and 70,000 service troops, mostly Italian, in front of them.

The main Allied attack began the afternoon of 22 December, despite rain and insufficient air cover, progress was made up the lower ridges of the 900-foot (270 m) Longstop Hill that controlled the river corridor from Medjez to Tebourba and thence to Tunis. After three days of to and fro fighting, with ammunition running low and Axis forces now holding adjacent high ground, the Longstop position holded by Geb. Regt. 756 became untenable and the Allies were forced to withdraw to Medjez[28] and by 26 December 1942 the Allies had withdrawn to the line they had set out from two weeks earlier, having suffered 20,743 casualties.

The Allied run for Tunis had been stopped by Geb. Regt. 756

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:28 pm
by gebirgs soldat
Let's add the 98th GJR aka the Geb Zug ... Rhome.html

Southern California

Re: Gebirgsjäger reenactment groups worldwide

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:48 pm
by 1.GD Blumenteufel
Interessengemeinschaft 1.Gebirgsdivision

Hello we are from Germany. Our Homepage is in German language. But we have englische information about us. Our page is under construktion. ... 53310.html

Gretings from the 1.Gebirgsdivision