Donitz's Last Gamble.

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Donitz's Last Gamble.

Post by Tychsen »

Today was quite a good day when the postman called , firstly no bills , secondly two books which I had been waiting on.

"Donitz's Last Gamble - The Inshore U-Boat Campaign 1944-45" By Lawrence Patterson ( Seaforth) ISBN978 1 84415 3.
The background to and an account of the inshore attacks made by U-Boats off the Britisdh and Irish Coasts in late 1944-1945.

Lawrence Patterson has yet to write a bad book or to base a good book on shoddy research - this one from a quick glance over it is true to his track record.
204 pages , well produced , good typeset and well illustrated this one will read quickly of that I am very sure.

As can be expected much of the operations covered came from Norway and as the author points out this was not a campaign found by the new electro diesel boats it fell to the old war horse the nthen obselete type VII's equipted with the stop gap schnorchel to take the undersea war into the enemies backyard in relatively shallow waters which offerred limited mobility and seaway slap bang under the eyes of a very accomplished and active Coastal Command - a service which was not short of expereinced aircrew or aicraft.
Several submarines which members have mentioned in other threads are covered here , U-260 , 247 to be specific.
For myself pleasing to see an account of the attack made on HMS Redmill which was seriously damaged by U-1105 an Alberich coated U-boat.
(The attack took place of the West Coast of Mayo - Redmill was seriously damaged and was towed to Londonderry - members of her crew are buried in the Commonwealth Plot of the City Cemetery.
The damaged destroyer was photographed by a 201 Squadron Sunderland out of Castle Archdale).

The author reports that U-1105 later stopped at Tory Island to make repairs , the only case of a U-boat making use of the remote Irish Coastline in such a fashion.

The authors use of all available sources is a testament to a job well done and his thanks to authorities like Jak Showell and Axel Niestle for their in put copperbottoms the acuracy of his work.

Well illustrated with good quality photographs the author recounts the end game of the U-boat war which is often over looked.


The other book not strictly "German" so I would apologise for the plug - the story of Czech aircrew whoc flew with the RCAF.
One man is of particular interest to me a Czech naviogator called Demi Havlicek - he was one opf the firstcrews to operate from Lough Erne in 1941, and died in a crash at Pembroke Dock in 1942.
Pavel Vancata the author is a friend of mine and I was happy to provide some photos and some info / contacts to help Pavel out.
Text is Czech but that is why God made Google our friend :wink: ( On line translations).
From dates and aircraft makes I can see several encounters with the Luftwaffe being explored.
( In the main FW-200's).


Published by Touzimsky & Moravec ISBN 978-80-7264-096-6. Hardback
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