Police Swoop On Military Gun Collector

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Re: Police Swoop On Military Gun Collector

Post by dagda »

Ill put it this way! if I have an imitation firearmin full display in my motor and someone rings the police, what the **** do you think is going to happen? The bloke was a bit slack and got of lightly. The geezer who got shot by the police in North london in the summer had a converted p38 Bruni pistol in the boot of the taxi he was in. Might have been his or not. see the connection? Funny enough just been reading 'Picture of Dorian Grey' and in that there was the middle class lament of lack of common sense! In fact I cant believe I actually got invoved in this nonsense.
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Re: Police Swoop On Military Gun Collector

Post by pepperpot »

Ill put it this way! if I have an imitation firearmin full display in my motor and someone rings the police, what the **** do you think is going to happen? The bloke was a bit slack and got of lightly. The geezer who got shot by the police in North london in the summer had a converted p38 Bruni pistol in the boot of the taxi he was in. Might have been his or not. see the connection? Funny enough just been reading 'Picture of Dorian Grey' and in that there was the middle class lament of lack of common sense! In fact I cant believe I actually got invoved in this nonsense.
Ill put it this way! if I have an imitation firearmin full display in my motor and someone rings the police, what the **** do you think is going to happen? The bloke was a bit slack and got of lightly. The geezer who got shot by the police in North london in the summer had a converted p38 Bruni pistol in the boot of the taxi he was in. Might have been his or not. see the connection? Funny enough just been reading 'Picture of Dorian Grey' and in that there was the middle class lament of lack of common sense! In fact I cant believe I actually got invoved in this nonsense.
Agreed and well said!!!. That saves me puting out a far stronger comment on this. We are lucky the judge took the veiw he did otherwise we could have kissed this hobby good bye.
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Re: Police Swoop On Military Gun Collector

Post by Gusbucket13 »

Two points arise from reading this entire thread first I could have been done in exactly the same way back in 94 after a buying trip at Rightons, I parked my car in a layby across the road from my house for a cup of tea before unloading, scant 15 minutes later 2 traffic plods knock on the door and rather apologetically ask if I would mind covering up the guns in the rear of my car, I agreed, that was it - common sense prevailed. The law is so hit and miss on this its really down to individual personalities.

The really serious point only one person picked up on, is that legal precident has now been established that deacts must be kept in a locked steel firearms cabinet when on your own premises - that is an infringement of personal freedoms, de-acts are useless lumps of metal for decoration or adornment. Their very reason for being is 'as decorators' now this storage stipulation has been established without contest, de-acts themselves are potentially in a very tricky situation. If he had refused to keep de-acts in a firearms cabinet when at home the case would still have been dismissed, the arresting officers should be reprimanded for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty and wasting time and taxpayers money.
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Re: Police Swoop On Military Gun Collector

Post by Peiper »

Here's my two cents :D
Thing is how long does it take to cover up weapons when transporting them to an event ??

For the sake of a few minutes this bloke who got done caused problems for himself and brought
unwanted negetive publicity for the rest of us reenactors tbh.

Even i cover my gear lol, infact i put them in sandbags and tie them up so to some nosey parker
looking out the window when loading the car it would look like im going on a camping or fishing
trip, common sense is all it needs!!

Things like this causes problems for the rest of us reenactors, which doesnt help our hobby, the media
love stuff like this, for some reason they like to portray us to the public like some bunch of gun happy
Nazis so anything like this they jump on it and exagerate it, dont give em any rope, use your common
sense, cover up your gear :wink:

Regards Pipes
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Re: Police Swoop On Military Gun Collector

Post by grenmartens »

Gusbucket13 wrote:legal precident has now been established that deacts must be kept in a locked steel firearms cabinet when on your own premises
No it hasn't. The terms referred to in this matter relate to the conditions applied to Smith's discharge.

Deactivation work carried out in the UK since 1st July 1989 will generally have been endorsed by one of the Proof Houses, the weapon proof-marked and a certificate of deactivation issued. To these ends, any weapon, even a prohibited weapon such as a machine gun, can be deactivated. The outcome is that the weapon is no longer a firearm within the meaning of the Firearms Acts, and consequently may be possessed without a firearm or shotgun certificate and may be displayed in the owner's home, rather than be locked in a gun cabinet.

The primary legislation (Act of Parliament) is unaffected by this case.
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Re: Police Swoop On Military Gun Collector

Post by flyingace »

and is it really adviseable to pose for the media to take a photo? dont get me wrong he mite be the next jesus but the fact you ignore some simple rules isn't a smart thing to do. come on you could wrap a firearm in a blanket! letting a newspaper take you photo could also be like throwing a match into a petrol station!
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