My Soldbuch

for information on soldbuchs,stamps,money,passes etc.

Moderator: Feldjager

Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

So as not to clutter up this thread - I've made a gallery of my Soldbuch and its contents.
Soldbuch was done by Paul Marsh of FJR2. I must point out that there are DELIBERATE mistakes in it so it can never be passed off as original in the future. They are cleverly done and a testament to Paul's skill and knowledge.
He supplied some bits for the back of it and I put a few in myself. I got the embossed slide and the paper wallet myself. Bryn did the Award Certificates..... Makes a nice package and I hope it helps people put their documentation together.
Dolman's Soldbuch
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which soldbuch

Post by pzrwest »

Olivier which soldbuch are you referring to? Mine or Pauls? Red was used for crossing out old info that has been updated
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Dave Toynton of Der Windhund has come up with a VERY interesting fact - and one that is a worthy tip to pass on.....
the Soldbuch was introduced at the begining of hostilities in 1939 but was not fully issued until 1940. The photograph inside the front cover was only introduced in 1943 for security reasons and had to show the holder in military uniform showing all medals and awards issued to him at that time and as listed inside the Soldbuch.
This means that those persons now working on their Soldbuchs to remember that when you are sorting out when you received your awards, that any medals and awards that you say you received before mid 1943 you must be wearing them on your photograph.
Clever eh?
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Post by pzrwest »

Well my soldbuch is now complete and signed by me. I was looking at my award docs and noticed that the date of the award for my arty badge was June 13/44 just 4 days after D-day... my gun crew must have done some good shootin'. Here's a pic of the inside cover along with my id disc. Id disc is stamped:
4867/42 A
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Post by Jugendkrieger »

NICE !!!!! whats the Blue and red stamps on page one for ?
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Post by pzrwest »

Personally I really don't know what the blue and red stamps are for maybe Paul may know or one of the other more knowlegeable might
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Post by Stahlgewitter »

I would`nt bet on it,but I think the red romanic numbers stand for the certain "Wehrereich" the Soldbuch bearer was assigned to!Once you got reassigned to another Station,you automatically were assigned to another Wehrbereich (Areal Command)!
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Post by Feldjager »

They are validity stamps for each quarter of that year. The endorsement meant that the document was still valid. If you entered the quarter without the validation stamp, the document was not valid and couldn't be used as ID etc.

I think these were discontinued for the army in 41 or early 42, but I don't know about the Kreigsmarine. They were normally used on things like the Truppenausweis (the presursor to the Soldbuch).

If the Feldgendarmerie found you in possession of an invalid document, you were for the high jump and also the person responsible for checking them. I do know that this offence got someone 15 days in prison and a fine of 3 weeks pay.

Feldgendarmerie Trupp 82 -
Panzer Nachrichten Abt. 38 -
Hauptverbandplatz 82 -

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