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Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 10:56 pm
by Tychsen
i received this info from a Frenchman. Perhaps there is someone who can translate and tell us what it says.

" An exhaustive research has been carried out by Vincent REYNOUARD condemned by the French authorities for holocaust denial and his book that can only be found in French at : ... MiseEnScne

has been forbidden by the French interior ministry for possible breach of the peace and possibility to cause public trouble!!"

So perhaps this book can shed further light on what really happene
A well known Holocaust denier and village idiot, utter balls not to put too fine a point on it.

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:57 pm
by Bill Medland
This morning the Staatsanwaltschaft Dortmund ordered the arrests of six former soldiers from the Das Reich Division,
for suspected murder during the Oradour sur Glane incident. They were arrested this morning and their homes were
searched, all are between 85 and 86 years old. All were in the 3rd Kompanie, 1 Battalion, Der Führer Regiment.

The German article can be read here in German (although I get the German news in English as an e-mail oncce a week,
so a new link will be posted soon). ... 90964.html

Cheers, Bill. (a late family member of mine served in Das Reich 1944, hence my personal interest in this subject)

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:01 pm
by Franz repper
Willi Klapptisch wrote:This morning the Staatsanwaltschaft Dortmund ordered the arrests of six former soldiers from the Das Reich Division,
for suspected murder during the Oradour sur Glane incident. They were arrested this morning and their homes were
searched, all are between 85 and 86 years old. All were in the 3rd Kompanie, 1 Battalion, Der Führer Regiment.

The German article can be read here in German (although I get the German news in English as an e-mail oncce a week,
so a new link will be posted soon). ... 90964.html

Cheers, Bill. (a late family member of mine served in Das Reich 1944, hence my personal interest in this subject)
**** they have lost the plot

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:51 am
by Bill Medland
**** they have lost the plot
Interesting that it was breaking news at the same moment that Merkel met with Sarkozy to discuss the Euro Zone.
Also interesting that the Germans wanted something from the French, so what better to make the French sweet?

Lets not say there was an international political reason for releasing the breaking news at that very moment,

Lets just say that the timing was perfect and could not have been better, shall we?

Cheers, Bill.

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:52 am
by BedsnHerts
If these men really are suspected of complicity, you do have to wonder why it's taken 70 years to get an arrest warrant. Unless there is some kind of newly discovered evidence about the whole event. Is there??

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:52 pm
by koobleguy
BedsnHerts wrote:If these men really are suspected of complicity, you do have to wonder why it's taken 70 years to get an arrest warrant. Unless there is some kind of newly discovered evidence about the whole event. Is there??

>Nope, "Wesentliche Beweismittel wurden zudem nicht entdeckt."

they have not been convicted by the winning allies but now in 2011 they think they know better ?!?!

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:28 pm
by Tychsen
One has to doubt the value in it given the years which have past , the possible frailty of the individuals etc.

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:27 am
by Twotonic
I don't think their age or capacity to undergo criminal proceedings for an incident that was deemed a 'war crime', is inappropriate today. We are talking here of purported murderers, or at least sufficiently complicite parties to the crimes. If we were dealing with a civil case where, for example, a murder remained unsolved (ie. 'cold case'), and new details came to light decades later which offered up a new suspect (or even highlighted once again an earlier suspect); I'm sure that the case - and particularly discovering the perpetrator(s) - should bear no less significance now as it did then.

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:03 pm
by les hearn
Willi Klapptisch wrote:
**** they have lost the plot
Interesting that it was breaking news at the same moment that Merkel met with Sarkozy to discuss the Euro Zone.
Also interesting that the Germans wanted something from the French, so what better to make the French sweet?

Cheers, Bill.

there could be some truth in the above statement

i was at a verry high profile talk the other week and heard one of the well known historical authers and journalists.....max hastings tell us that the french and germans are indeed locked in talks to heal rifts ...but another high profile politician he overheard talking to the premiers....
mention it should not overule the integrity of europe.

Re: Oradour Sur Glane

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:48 am
by BedsnHerts
Do they let Max Hastings into the Bundeskabinett meetings then? :D

I was at CVHF too and the thing that came across was how much writers and historians like to blow their own trumpets.
Michael Morpugo saying stuff like "people think that Steven Spielberg wrote War Horse" - well I'm sure you cashed the cheque Michael, so don't get too upset :roll: