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Should the Germans in Gremany be allowed to reenact SS units???????????

Poll ended at Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:44 pm

Total votes: 32

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Post by LAH650 »

Why is it that people see a German uniform and automatically they know your politics…

Are all Russian re-enactors supporters of Lenin’s idea of a Communist State? Do they support the Gulag’s etc….

Are all Japanese re-enactors imperialist?

Are Brit WW2 re-enactors trying to bring back the British Empire…

And so on and on…

Funny that, put on Feldgrau and one becomes a bad guy….

But these guys and gals have normal jobs and real lives… don’t we….
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Post by Hoover »

Andrew, we have another problem:
Too many SS-Reenactors are not non-political in Germany. Every few month the press repots about neo-fascists who are playing war, mostly in Eastern Europe countries. There are of course serious SS-reenactors, no doubt about that.

But it is a hard way doing WW2-Reenactment in Germany/Continental Europe and only one "right arm raiser" will destroy the work of years.
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Frank - You all see ghosts in the shadows. It must be bred into you over there.... No wonder the Austrian Corporal exploited you all so well - he played on deep seated fears and succeeded. Nutters are everywhere. Neos have for years tried to "penetrate" our German re-enactment and I can tell you - There are NO Right Wing Political Activists in UK Axis Re-enactment. There are some on the fringes but WE know who they are and that is where they stay...... This is why I get very angry when people say ESPECIALLY SHIT HEADS ON EUROPEAN FORUMS that England is full of Nazis prancing about in SS uniforms... Proves they know nothing adn are prejudiced and jealous.

IF good people are kept down because of one ro two bad people then those who suppress the good are as guilty as the bad ones. IF you are an OK guy - it's your duty to encourage others who you know personally and to support them. It's your duty ro ensure that you speak up for them and if you have sway with any authorities - you should make it plain that these people are of good charcter and intent. Only this way can you push the real idiots further out of the picture. At present you are giving them the oxygen of publicity.

I know no one in Germany agrees with this as it's better to pursue petty prejudice and sustain the "Kein Nazi Hier" attitude.

Like it or not - and criminal or not - the Waffen SS is a part of Germany's history and heritage. - The Waffen SS gave birth to modern armies. The Waffen SS can be looked at two ways. Criminal political soldiers who herded villagers into churches and hand grenaded them or a tought professional elite who pioneered camouflage, new weapons systems and tactics, all arms skills and a cameraderie that is emulated by most modern professional armies. Whilst never forgetting and continuing to acknowledge the former - to ignore the latter is shameful to the memory of those men who did NOT commit atrocities and who DID die believing in their country. Are Germans SO ashamed of their country that they will continue to do so?
I am proud of being British and proud of the sacrifices and contributions made by my forbears during WWII. I am also respectful enough to acknowledge and pay tribute to the former enemies of my forbears. Especially as their country and their descendants in the main don't want to.
You Germans who come on here and preach about Neo Nazis can do it until you drop - but you can't get away from the fact that you are being disloyal to your grnadfathers and grandmothers - Of the Nazis have scarred you so badly then the Nazis in effect have won. Whilst ever you keep this up, the Nazis are being kept alive by the very Govt. and the very state which says it wants to forget and put them to rest.

The Nazis have a place in history whether you like it or not. They MADE history and they have a rightful place there. Just like the Khmer Rouge, Ghengis Khan, Napoleon, Geoffery Dhamer and other entities who perpetrated great horror - they made an impact and will be forever remembered. So instead of continuing to demonise them - let's have a balanced sensible portrayal which informs the observer of the rights and the great wrongs these entities wrought.

To wipe them from the books is a crime. To sanitise them is a crime, To use them to force your biased view on others is also a crime..... I have firmly believed for 20 uears now - Europe is still afraid of the Nazis and you become what your fear. The UK is not and never has been afraid of Nazis and Naziism - It could never take root here. Maybe you over there envy us for that?
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Post by Hoover »

@Fw Dollmann:

You misunderstood me, I am afraid.

I am knowing that the soldiers of the Waffen-SS were good soldiers at all. My grandfather was a Unterscharführer (became Oberscharführer in the day of his capture in Austria) in SS-PzGrenRegt 6. I have no problems with serious impressions of the Waffen-SS.

But in Germany it is not allowed by law and we have too many Neos wanting to play SS. That are my two problems with Waffen-SS reenactment in Germany. Not more and not less.
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Post by bee »

i think one has to be german to understand this... :?
the greatest pet i had was a flat rat.
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Post by Hoover »

Na, du musst es doch auch verstehen... :wink:
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Post by Alex »

I'll go with dolman on this :)

sticky subject eeeeh.

Its one thing for a few englishmen to pretend for a weekend, its another for a german to do it for a weekend.

blimey, what a conundrum.

I guess if no one gets hurt it's ok :)
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