The 'exposers' exposed!

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Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Proof that the pen is mightier than the sword - Here's what I sent them:
My name is Paul Dalby and in my leisure time I commit that greatest of sins – I re-enact!!!! :-)

Now yesterday I sent an email via your website to Ms Uli Heisse but as yet have not received a reply.

On your website you feature a “documentary “ you recently made with regard to “Weekend Nazis”. The accompanying image features two of my members in the foreground and a third in the background. The fourth party I believe is a foreign national. Your accompanying text associates these people with the “SS” and this is a misnomer. They are in fact not wearing SS uniform. A surprising lack of research on your part means that you have pictured people in the context of soldiers when in fact they are wearing the uniform of an administrative official or “Beamte” – They are not in fact soldiers but Civil Servants. Many civil servants were not Nazis and were put into uniform quite unwillingly. A far better subject for a documentary but I digress.

The crux of this email is to respectfully ask you to remove the image of my members and possibly replace it with a more suitable image – either of an actual SS re-enactor or an image which does not misrepresent our organisation. One of my members has expressed some distress at seeing himself photographed – In fact he thought at the time he was being photographed privately by a guest at the wedding – NOT an undercover reporter. He has directly asked me to have this removed.

This brings me to another aspect. Why did October Films feel the need to “go undercover” into a perfectly harmless hobby? Why did you prejudice further the already sullied integrity of journalism in this manner? We in the community feel very let down. We are open and would have been happy to assist with a positive programme about what we do. Instead, a silly subterfuge was played out and we are left with a bitter taste in our mouths.

I do hope this mail is passed on to someone who will attend to it in a sensitive and responsible manner. We would like our images removed as it is misrepresentation. We would not wish to take the matter further but AFRA has a great many members and some resource. It is an expanding organisation shortly to encompass a wider sphere of re-enactment and can not be tainted in this manner. So in closing can I make plain – However unwillingly, if October does not wish to work with us on this, we will take steps to ensure our good name is not sullied.

Thank you and Good Day.

Paul Dalby
Chair AFRA
And despite no response they quietly changed it so I just sent them this
Just a short note to say thank you for your swift response to my email. Changing the graphic from an unrelated image on the “Weekend Nazi” post has made a difference to how some of my members view your organisation. It is such a pity that you thought to malign us as you did. Our members are ordinary, everyday people enjoying a fringe hobby that is extremely popular. Our participation at the Midland’s largest WWII event this weekend illustrated this. Indeed I think you would have made much more interesting television had you approached us openly and chosen to film how we prepared for and executed our part in this show. Instead you focussed in on only a portion of the hobby, ignoring and neglecting the wider component parts. You effectively manufactured a non story.

I trust we will not see a repeat of this.

Paul Dalby
Chair AFRA
Did send one to Ms Hesse yesterday but as yet no response. :roll:
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Post by DAS MEDIC »

nice one paul,
miss hesse, of course she wont respond

you have to send it c\o tronja :twisted:
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Maus Commander
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Post by Maus Commander »

You won't hear or see them again I bet. Now their job is done and they've been found out they'll just mysteriously vanish.

If there is an interest in doing a documentary just to set records straight and even show off reenacting, I do know some guys with some decent filming kit that I could get into contact with for the next show at Cosby...
Hoffman Grink

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Maus Commander wrote:You won't hear or see them again I bet. Now their job is done and they've been found out they'll just mysteriously vanish.

If there is an interest in doing a documentary just to set records straight and even show off reenacting, I do know some guys with some decent filming kit that I could get into contact with for the next show at Cosby...
erm................ no.
Not interested now in documentaries..... detracts too much from what we actually do....
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Post by dink »

Thing is with media, people are driven by what they've done, the need to be known for work done infront and behind the camera, they won't hide in the shadows for long as you don't become famous (albeit they're already infamous) by doing that :wink: they won't be able to resist the limelight at somepoint :roll: :twisted:
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Post by Maus Commander »

dink wrote:Thing is with media, people are driven by what they've done, the need to be known for work done infront and behind the camera, they won't hide in the shadows for long as you don't become famous (albeit they're already infamous) by doing that :wink: they won't be able to resist the limelight at somepoint :roll: :twisted:
I'm sure we could get into a whole Freudian discussion about why these folks do what they do, but in the end they're just annoying and thankfully brief.
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Post by dink »

Maus Commander wrote:
I'm sure we could get into a whole Freudian discussion about why these folks do what they do, but in the end they're just annoying and thankfully brief.
Wasn't making a discussion merely stating they no doubt will be seen at some point again somewhere in the future its the nature of the media beast (note I don't mean in reenactment)
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Post by pzrwest »

remember jouralists or reporters get paid for getting a story. So they will get one even if they have to cheat and lie and infiltrate, no story no pay, sorta like a car salesman
dink wrote:
Maus Commander wrote:
I'm sure we could get into a whole Freudian discussion about why these folks do what they do, but in the end they're just annoying and thankfully brief.
Wasn't making a discussion merely stating they no doubt will be seen at some point again somewhere in the future its the nature of the media beast (note I don't mean in reenactment)
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Post by Wilhelm »

@ Nick and Michaela,

The only good part of the programe was the wedding, Beate and I watch
it with the sound turned off.

It was one of the most beautiful and wonderful of weddings we have
attended, it will forever remain in our memories.

(at least watching the programe, I saw what the written invitations
looked like...... I think ours must have got lost in the post?) :wink:

Bill, Beate and Kai xxx xxx xxx
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Post by Scott »

well said bill i have done the same as i think the wedding was a wonderfull thing to be at and it was an honour for me (that i will forever be gratefull for ) for nick and michaela to have me as a member of the conrigration of their wedding i will allways remember the day as a happy one.

as for the rest of the programme what a complete and uter waste of time and money they (swenney) interviewed me for over 50 mins and all he used was my name in the introduction as he did not get the replys to his questions that he was after and a few close up shots of my knights cross at the wedding. at least we as a group fg39-45 got something out of them as they broke one of our old chairs whilst filming and our commandant charged them £20 which they paid up in cash. it was only worth about 20p but screw them.

i will continue to watch this thread with intrest and keep up the good work that everyone is doing to expose these idots
rant over
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Post by Noily » ... e_continue

The Guardian are still digging the knife in ... self righteous planks
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Post by Maus Commander »

I also think the wedding looked absolutely fantastic, it was perhaps the neatest and most organized wedding I've seen in a long while let me tell you! :lol: :lol:
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Post by Alex »

lol, the panorma team disown the little bastard! LMAO ... 3.stm#john
He has won a number of awards from people who should know better.
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Post by dink »

It said that before the documentary Alex ;)
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Post by Maus Commander »

This happened after the Panorama documentary on Scientology I beleive, it wasn't very good having their reporters blow their tops.

Mind, that was kinda creepy with the hijacking of history and the guy that guy that kept turning up with written statements. :shock:
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