Victory show 2009

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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Peiper »

Hi lads :D
Am getting my gear together at the moment, c u all there :D

Peiper :wink:
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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Schäfer »

I thoroughly enjoyed this event, my first ever at the Victory Show. A big thanks to all involved, it was very enjoyable .... plus a happy birthday to Emma for today :wink:

The battles had the biggest bangs I've ever been involved in. My armoured car actually 'shook' during Sunday's battle, and we were showered in debris and earth. The battle briefing and 'walk-through' on Friday evening was also the most detailed I've been involved in for some years... very professional indeed and we were left in no doubt as to what we had to do.

A big thanks also to KSK for kindly letting me display with them, cheers to all :D
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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Botty »

The attempt at Kriegsberichter with full field developing and printing of the photos seemed to work OK (with some 'user error' of the camera :roll: ). Those people who got copies of the prints I did seemed pleased.

I will be making prints of all the usable negatives I produced and be bringing them to shows next year. If you want to see how they came out make sure you look up GD Panzergrenadiers at shows in 2010.
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Hoffman Grink

Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Hoffman Grink »

Well I'm up - I ache like f*** and I'm making myself late for work typing this -

But I had to get something up quickly because it just needs saying........

I've been involved with some gigs over the years and some were and still are great - Some became great and then settled into mediocrity and others fell by the wayside,

Never - NEVER have I had involvement in anything like the Victory Show.

The venue, the organisers, the format, the displays and attractions, the re-enactors themselves are all of the highest quality it beggars belief.

Myself and the team usually arrive sometime on Thursday and we work from then until Sunday afternoon at about 15:00 - We are up at 07:15 and we go to bed around 00:00 - Speaking for myself I am surrounded by friends who I really do not deserve and who are of the greatest integrity of any person's I've ever been associated with. Bryn and Stig, Rich and Emma and not forgetting Karl.... That battle display would not happen without them. Two more great freinds are Geoff Wood and Glenn Parry. Geoff every year leaves his missus and comes out on to that field to put in some hard graft. Glenn came this year and his expertise in such things as Military Mayhem and other military shows was invaluable.

It is already being mentioned about the quality of not just the battle but the organisation, safety, briefings and conduct....... (When I type the word "I" I mean the word "we" because we are a team) I would never have it any other way and must say that EVERY battle display should be done that way. - Those who turned up to the briefing had a clear understanding of what we were doing, why we were doing it and what we wanted from them...... And in the main, on Saturday we got it. On Sunday I have never come to the endex feeling so good. In 2007 The battle was like clockwork - This year it was computer controlled!!!! Have we really come so far? Did that year off motivate the participants so much?????

We executed some of the biggest bangs seen again - We can only do it due to the size of the arena and the quality of those going in with them. Our planning and our placement makes it safer but in the end it's down to you guys being switched on that keeps everyon in one piece. With only one or two exceptions folks heeded us in the midst of "battle" and there was no sillyness to speak of. We put down around 15kilos of pyro each day........ There were 75 ground charges of various sorts, 8 vehicle hits and then supplementary bangs placed by pyrotechnicians where needed on the day...... We had 100 bangs in there with (haven't counted the registration sheets properly yet ) about 250 re-enactors on the field not counting the FULL BATTERY of gun crews!!!!!!!!!!

The Victory Show Battle Had in it - Two Shermans, a Chaffee, Three US Halftracks, Two Carriers, Two Dodge Weapons Carriers, A German Halftrack, Kubel, Three Motorcycle Combis, A Solo M/C, a Replica PzIII and FIVE Replica 222s. It had a Renault Truck and Captured Dodge Personnel carrier too..... and It had EIGHT 25lber Guns, all firing. That's a whole bunch of superlatives there isn't it? To say all we had was a cut eye from an ejecting cartridge, a bruised temple from a weapon malfunction and a grazed knee in two days of mayhem (controled of course) I'd say we did good folks!

I got to meet William Sam Magee - A true gentleman, a man of special quality and character but certainly no hero (eh Sam :wink: ) - Sam Magee - and Dave Cooke's father - of 90 years of age - another special chap who was both gracious and imposing at the same time - Two fellers who gave up their youth that we could enjoy ours. Men from a generation that in many cases still carry the scars of a world in turmoil. Who simply went out and did what they had to do to protect family, home and their way of life. Thanks for giving me a slice of your time. I'm both honoured and humbled.

I got to wander around a little bit and press flesh. I was amazed at the effort and the attention that went into an increasingly wider array of displays covering not just guns and bombs, but deeper aspects of war......... well done folks. The Garrison literally blew me away - Those people are true Living Historians....... If what they did wasn't being done correctly then I don't know how much more people have to do to achieve it........ BLOODY MARVELLOUS!

To Dale and Kev - I'd fall off a cliff for you two - To Wullie - maybe, just maybe you ARE right :wink: It's impossible to name everyone - It would only leave someone out and that's not fair - To my dear friends who I shared a marquee and a weekend with and who support me as I hope I support them - Thanks for having me people - I'm a pain at times I know.......... To the people at the Victory Show - Dave and Tony and Steve - You have something which in the proper sense of the word is unique - Yes - it's a show and it follows a formula - but it's like no other..... Have a sit and a think - take time out - See what you can come up with and for God's Sake - give us another in 2010 - I believe I heard on the Tannoy that LOROS was on track to receive £60,000 from the show? If so that's phenomenal and I take my hat off to you. You can't not continue to do good works such as that - I know it's hard and I know it takes a bite out of your life - But what the f***? What else would you be doing? :?

Victory Show 2009 then - WHAT A TRIUMPH! Aircraft, Living History, a 1st in the Vulcan, Bomb Run, a massive well executed Battle and so much more it's impossible to describe - No one slipped up in the toilet, No one was sick on me and apart from Bloody Tommy Atkins and Wiganer's mob making so much noise we couldn't hear N44's disco -it was great!

Last thing - Sorry to Wendy for the hole in your carrier - Ask Ieuan what REALLY Happened :roll:

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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by GRAUWULF »

Truly amazing - got to be now the best event in the UK and possibly Europe!!!Dave,Tony and crew thanks for letting us be a part of a truly memorable event - the feedback from the public was overwhelming. Thanks PD,Sean and crew for what can only be described as an awesome display of firepower!! The flying displays - words cannot describe. Great to see so many fellow re-enactiors working together again and it was great catching up with old faces and new alike. Thanks to Jim for letting me go into battle on the back of the sherman - that will be a memory that will live forever and I can tell my own grandchildren - when I have them!! Roll on next year!!!!!!
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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Matelot »

Paul and battle team, a big, big thanks from those of the FJ troops who participated in the battles. I for one, was smiling whenever those "boxes" went off. Mind you, i didn't see much as i had my face in the dirt, and grabbing the ground to stop myself from bouncing about whenever the pyro went off,ha! :D

Fantastic efforts, by your crew, and is appreciated by myself ,and, am sure all in the FJ group.

As for the N44 entertainment, i do believe i attemped to breakdance one night :? And, Tom Gow even did a comeback for a" running-on-the-spot-for-three-minutes" whilst OMD's Electricity was playing!! :wink:

To the organisers,Dave Tony, Steve et al, a massive "THANK-YOU!" for putting on such a fantastic show. I for one, was truely gutted when it came to an end. :( Now, can we please have a 4-dayer for next year? :mrgreen: :wink:

Thank you all,

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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by ringer »

Super show , wonderful amounts of public to talk to on the Saturday , met some great old characters.
...some of my shots from the Sunday battle ...if you look close you`ll see some bugger in a yellow T shirt that likes to shower us lot in cement dust !
( apologies for the last one being a bit fuzzy but our 222 driver was trying to get me to fall off at the time )





cement dust flinger :D

quite a few more than I expected US forces spill out of the woods :shock:


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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Walther »

What a top weekend!

Really enjoyed myself at this and judging by the feedback so far, so did the rest of the group.

Great to speak to some old faces again, discuss ideas and generally have a bloody good social.

Battle as is pretty much always the case was fantastic - judging by the tired faces of the pyro crew on Saturday night they'd been working hard to set it all up. Scripting was pretty much faultless and it was a pleasure to be involved in a battle with so many other switched on groups.

Walking up to the jump off point in the German form up area was amazing experience in terms in vehicles and manpower - certainly one of the best turnouts i've seen and very impressive - we should have given them a right thumping!

The first few pics from our lot are starting to come in, so a few to get things started.....

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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by barnaclebill »

Fantastic event, one the best, if not the best of the year!

Glad I went and glad to help out on the pyro in such an impressive display. Well done all.

And what about that sound of the P51 over head :D

Matt, 85th Gebirgsjager, part of the '39-45 Society'.
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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Pathfinder Jack »

Have to totally agree with Hoffman - this was something else.

If you can only do a couple of shows next year then make sure this is BOTH of them. It was so focused many shows could learn a lot from it. The standard of the displays just keeps going up - the bar is always being raised. Well done to all and just a handfull of images..........


Will be back next year for sure!

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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Wiganer »

Great show, thanks to all who were involved, did not get to see the battle as I was manning the camp but it sounded impressive. superb displays, especially liked the SS Italy display,and the N44 camp only wanted kids standing at the fence going to the chippy for the Americans (my grandmas bother said he used to go to the local fish and chip shop for loads of fish and chips for the Americans in camp and was paid a penny for going for them)

apart from Bloody Tommy Atkins and Wiganer's mob making so much noise we couldn't hear N44's disco -it was great! :lol:

Sadly, that was my only complaint the disco too loud on Sat night, got no sleep

I surpose Ill get shot down for saying that on here as I have on the other forum, but I need to say it.

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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Dave 16th »

Carnt really say much more then what has been sed already..absolutley fantastic weekend only sad bit was having to back up.. it all went far to quick bring on a four dayer.
VS 2009.jpg
VS 2009.jpg (159.77 KiB) Viewed 6484 times
Big thanks to all concerned...16th RF-SS.
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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by dragon gun »

What hole.

Its a battle scar and no one else got one

After a stewards enquiry


Just to confirm once Paul got it back home it was discovered that a PIN in the track had caused the damage not the pyro

Ieuan has now been forgiven and is having his faviourite for his tea cheese and potato pie.

But we will say around the camp fire a 88 had us



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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by Schäfer »

At first sight it looks like a 'tear' as opposed to an 'explosive' hole.

My 222 has a 'starburst' mark on the paint, which I'll leave well alone as it looks great :D
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Re: Victory show 2009

Post by andy85th »

Another great show from Dave and his team, me and my lads in the Gebirgs loved it . Looking forward to next year. You can't move it forward a week, it would save us going down to Detling.
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