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Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:37 pm
by Freebooter
Hello all,
I need y'all's opinions about some aspects of my new tunic. I know that DAK insignia was different from mainland German uniforms, but I am unsure what is proper or authentic or not so I need y'all's opinions. I can always order new proper or more authentic insignia if needs be. As I said before, the reason I started putting together a DAK impression was for self enjoyment around the house, for a display or what have you. I started out just aquiring stuff to dress a manaquinn up as a hobby or display, then decided to get things in my size in case I might want to get back into reeancting, living history, etc..

So anyway, my tunic and cap I ordered from Sanjay in Indian came yesterday. It is very nice and seems well made. But NATURALLY it doesn't fit! I blame myself for not filling out his size chart and just ordering the size I thought I wore. Either I am bigger than I thought and gave him the wrong size, my old size or something, or it was made in a smaller size. Dang it!!! I should have measured myself to make sure. I just took it for granted that I wore such and such size and ordered that size. There is a WWII Fly-In coming up in my home town in May (tentatively planned or scheduled for My 9th so far), with some U.S. reenactors I know doing a Living History display, etc.. I thought I might show up as a German just to give another view of soldiers of WWII. I might just set my mannaquinne up as a display.

Anyway, the tunic and cap seem to be well made. I am no expert so I couldn't say if the color or every stitch and seam and the way it was put together is correct or not. But here goes as far as I can describe things:

First, the tunic and cap color are an olive color, almost the same as my old U.S. Army phatigues were in the early '70s, maybe a tad lighter. I always thought the DAK tunic colors were much lighter, a sort of greenish-beige or something. But I may be wrong. As I said, I am no expert by any means.

The colors of the insiginias, etc, are different than I am used to also. Again, I am new to all things DAK. I used to be in a Waffen SS unit 15 years ago, and have studied the German Army/SS for years, but the Euro/E. Front Theater, not DAK. DAK lore is all new to me, a new interest.

The collar tabs are narrower than I remember, and are grey with gold or yellow bars embroidered on them. The shoulder straps/Epalautes are the same olive greenish color as the tunic with white piping. The breast eagle is like a shiney sort of light greenish embroidered onto a brownish-tan background with gold thread interwoven in it (edging of eagle, outlining wing parts, etc.). The DAK sleeve band is dark green with "AFRIKAKORPS" emboridered in matalic looking silver thread as are the edges of the green band, which is sewn onto a brownish tan band which goes around the forearm. That brownish tan is the same background that the eagle is on. The cuffs are strange in that you can slide your hand towards your wrist into the cuff, which is tacked down in two spots. Sort of like the extra long sleeve was folded back to where the edge is right below the DAK band and tacked down in a couple of spots. It would seem that that would be a catch for dirt and whathave you.

The buttons on the epalautes and jacket front are all green pebbled. On each side, along the seam, are vent holes and brass hooks or keepers for the belt.

The cap eagle is light blue on a llight brown backgrown outlining it, which is itself on a darker brown background triangle or something. There is black thread used on the eagle too, outlining wing pargs, the wreath, etc, as the gold thread did on the breast eagle. The cocade is on a sort of a chestnut brownish diamond inside the upside down "V" of white piping.

Now for y'all's opinions, how authentic are these items? Just curious. I can always order proper insignia to replace any that is not up to par or correct.

Also, I ordered that tunic and cap from Sanjay (India) on 2/3/09. I e-mailed him the other day and he said it was shipping out on Monday. It came yesterday actually, by Federal Express. It is hard for me to believe that something can be sent from India and arrive here two days later. What do y'all think? If that is what happened, that is pretty good service!

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:20 pm
by Peiper
Hi Freebooter :D
Try putting up a pic, as they say "a picture says a 1000 words" :wink:
It seems you have the right gear, the DAK uniform was an olive green colour
it only faded after countless hours in the sun and being washed etc
Good luck, Pipe :wink:

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:43 am
by mario33
Freebooter, I, and possibly many of us, DAK fans, would be more than happy to help. Mind you though that you ask very general and broad questions, answering to which might require a lecture, not a few paragraphs ;) The matter of 'waffenfarben' itself might me talked for hrs ;)

My advice would be - get some general resources on DAK uniform and equipment, that would give you a bit of a taste before asking. I presume you would be delighted with the books:
'Uniforms and Equipment of the DAK' by Robert Kurtz
'Afrikakorps in Color' by Bernd Peitz.

Those two would give you an excellent opportunity to build a base knowledge and ask questions that would not exceed a few pages ;)

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:53 pm
by Freebooter
Hello all,
Thanks. I will try to post some pics soon. The reason I went that route, with Sanjay and , is because he did not care what size you wear, it is made to your size even if you wear a 60 tunic. Most of these other more well known outfits don't make or offer things over a certain size.

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 6:37 pm
by mario33
Freeboter, I hope you havnt felt offended by my post in any way.

As far as LARGE, and XXXXXXLarge tunics are concerned ;) You noticed right I also need them. Check mr Pirschen offer (ant-z on ebay). He offers goos quality tropical tunics in sizes up to 62 and in 3 lengths. and he listens carefully, might prepare even a tailored one if you talk to him I suppose... His not very expensive and his tunics are right and proper.

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:20 pm
by Freebooter
Thanks Mario,
No, I was not offended. I appreciate yours and anyone else's posts, opinions, advice, etc.. I might just try the guy you mentioned. Because I am going to have to order me another tunic and cap because these two are too small for me. The cap, although it says 23 (U.S. inches), fits my 15 yr old son just right. It is too tight for me. So I am betting the tunic was made wrong and/or mismarked too. I am going to a seamstress I know and get her to measure me properly to see just what exact size I do wear.

Lost Battalions offers Tropical tunics up to size 52 on their website. They might even make a special size for someone, I am not sure. But places like ATF, 1944Militaria, and some others only offer sizes for up to say a 48 (U.S. inches).

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:42 pm
by mario33
Awwww. I know what might have gone wrong !!!!

Pls note that European sizes are not the same as US !!!

US 50 = European 60 !!! If you ordered 50 that might mean 40 in US sizes ! Always dopuble check...

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:56 pm
by Freebooter
Yep, could be. I ordered a size 52 and it fits like a 48. But then again, I did not measure myself to be sure of my size, just thought I knew it. So I take full blame for it.

I just got my German M42 Lowboots and sox from At The Front. They fit absolutely perfectly and are very comfortable!! And the pair of German sox are very comfortable; nice and thick like I like!
Dave in Alabama

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 2:01 am
by Schäfer
I have bought a number of items from Sanjay over the years.

Like Freebooter I just assumed a size XL tunic or a 38" waist, for instance, would fit but you really do have to 'accurately' measure yourself exactly to his measurement diagramme to get an proper uniform sizing.

One thing I would suggest though, is to ask for him for extra material in the crotch department. He does tend to scrimp on material in that area and the trousers often feel quite tight, or similar to a 'wedgy' beneath.

The DAK tunics did in fact have 'French cuffs' as you have described, and they were coloured an olive green until they faded out through wear in the sun. The insignia also sounds accurate inasmuch that the eagles were coloured a grey-blue on a brown background and the cuff title sounds pretty spot on as well. I personally don't like Sanjay's eagles as they look too cheap and nasty on the whole, and much prefer to purchase them separately from someone like Nicholas Morigi, for instance.

I hope that helps?

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:09 am
by Freebooter
Hello all,
I have spoken to a couple of people "in the know" and it appears the Sanjay tunic and cap are not all that authentic in some ways. When I can, I will order one from someone like Lost Batallions or something.

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:20 am
by Feld Kuche
Sadly the money you think you'll save through some vendors is wasted anyway by having to replace it once you receive it and realise it isn't money saved at all.

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:53 am
by mario33
again. as LB stuff is observed as good buy, I think we are all in the agreement that in the departement of German tropical uniforms, Mr Pirschen's stuff is a great value for money. I went that route and would warmly recommend it to anyone.

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:42 pm
by Freebooter
Hey Mario,
Forgive my frail memory or ignorance on the subject, but who is Mr. Pirschens? Does he have a website?

Re: Got my Sanjay DAK tunic and cap; Opinions please:

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:18 pm
by mario33
Mr Pirschen = Ant-Z Military ... ?class3=58

Dont worry you cant see M40 tropical uniform there. Just contact him or see his shop on e-bay: