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Operation Jedburgh - 10/11th July 2010

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:07 pm
by Chomley-Warner
This is a 24hr private battle organised by Comrades in Arms being played out in a 700 acre forest in Wales.

10th July 1944
Having taken a pounding in the battles around Caen and the D-Day Beachheads, mixed elements of SS Panzer and Heer troops are taking a well earned weekend rest to refit and re-arm in the Brittany Peninsula. Hidden away in the woods, they are tasked with some light training and ensuring that the French locals do not cause any trouble. They have a good set up, sleeping in proper tents for the first time in a month, with good food and warm fires, and not under constant threat of attack. For a few days it seems that the fortunes of war have turned in their favour.
Unknown to the Germans, their location has been found by some of the elite Jedburgh teams, who have been living behind the lines since before D-Day. Ruthless, resourceful and able to live off the land for months, these tough troops have no intention of letting the enemy recuperate. Hit and run is their chosen speciality, and it is not long before they can begin to pose a real threat; even in small numbers. With the additional resource of a nearby SAS group as well as the local knowledge of the Resistance they mean to cause trouble...

This event is being run from 12 noon to 12 noon, working through the hours of darkness. Germans will be operating out of a well established and comfortable encampment, Jeds will be eating, sleeping and fighting with what they carry on their backs, SAS have secured a relatively secure area with the cooperation of the resistance.

This is not your ordinary WW2 airsoft event being somewhat more gritty, where the allies are in serious jeopardy and the fear of being killed may be more preferable than being captured and interrogated. It is not a blat in the woods, indeed it is entirely possible you don't fire a single shot the whole weekend. Players are expected to follow orders, commanders will be acting on the fly according to information received and orders from above, gameplay will be fluid and unpredictable. While we do have a few toys such as working mortars and radios the emphasis is on teamwork, staying alive, fulfilling objectives and achieving a sense of 'being there'.

Operation Jedburgh may be of interest to traditional reenactors who have perhaps fallen out of love with blank fire private battles or public facing events or are just looking for something with a bit of a challenge combined with playing soldiers in a historical context. No one takes themselves too seriously so the atmosphere is relaxed and, like all good events, fun is top of the agenda.

Full information here: ... .php?f=136

Re: Operation Jedburgh - 10/11th July 2010

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:42 pm
by Steiner
I'm in. 8)

Re: Operation Jedburgh - 10/11th July 2010

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:38 pm
by Dave 16th
Heres me with my truck at Operation Jedburgh last weekend...CO's driver
Jed pic B-W.jpg
Jed pic B-W.jpg (168.61 KiB) Viewed 6823 times

Re: Operation Jedburgh - 10/11th July 2010

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:17 pm
by dog green 1
Cool picture Dave

Re: Operation Jedburgh - 10/11th July 2010

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:18 pm
by jackjones1
love the truck ..........i want one