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German Letter Codes 1939/1945

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:48 pm
by RZM
Just ordered this book off of Amazon. Describes it as "a concise guide to german letter codes by Number,manufacturer,and by location"
I cant wait to get this book,should be a interesting read. Im very much interested in how their manufacturing,and supply worked,and the code systems that were used. Also should come in handy with original items. Ill know where,and who made it,and when. All told it came to $44 and some change..this is going to be the first book in my Axis referance library.
My other books are about the war and battles from both sides perspective,ranging from ground and air war,to some of the atlantic battles on the sea.
Where im trying to acurately portray a Soldat,the need for a referance library has become apparent. It will help with the mundane day to day things in a soldats life,and all their uniforms,weapons,equipment,drill and tactics,awards,insignia,ad nauseum lol.... Original,or reprinted manuals are also on the library agenda. Any recommendations on good guides on any of these topics are welcome and appreciated.