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72 years ago today

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:13 pm
by LHistorian
In remembrance of the "Day that shall live in infamy", December 7th, 1941, at a place called Pearl Harbor.
To all who perished, we remember!

Re: 72 years ago today

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:06 pm
by berlin1945
rest in peace in regards to all who perished in a cowardly attack .

Re: 72 years ago today

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:51 am
by johankreig
not sure i agree with cowerdly, but rest in peace all those that fell.

Re: 72 years ago today

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:58 pm
by Oberleutnant Ulrich
Well executed really, if you look at the Japanese battle plans, and would have been even more destating had the fullly executed the battle plans with the 3rd wave....but then we start with the "what ifs" again...

Re: 72 years ago today

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:15 pm
by johankreig
i agree, tacticaly it was a sound plan, you strike hard first to take out the enemy, the fact that they informed the americans of their intent and the yanks laughed and ignored them makes it even more successfull, alas like all such events we always wish they hadnt happen, if you want to talk about cowardly, hiroshima and nagasaki but again its war and horrible stuff happens.

Re: 72 years ago today

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:04 pm
by Tanaka
berlin1945 wrote:rest in peace in regards to all who perished in a cowardly attack .
How was it a cowardly attack?

The americans had every opportunity to realise the japanese were coming and decieded for whatever reason to ignore the threat.

A minesweeper spotted a midget submarine periscope outside the harbour entrance at 03.42am and nothing was done, the Destroyer Ward fired on and sank another midget submarine at 06.37am and again nothing was done

The first wave of the air attack force was picked up on radar and reported and again, nothing was done about it until 07.48am when the attack actually started.

How people can call it a sneak attack or cowardly is totally beyond me these days when the Americans had numerous warnings something was coming and actively ignored it, for what ever reason.

Re: 72 years ago today

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:01 pm
by soest
No doubt there is a conspiracy theory that the Americans didn't react to the earlier warnings so they had an excuse to get involved and take part in the war.

How true is that? I have no idea?

May all those that fell for their country regardless of side be remembered with pride and honour.