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So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:46 pm
by Panzer Wittman
A few years ago pst was the place to be. Now we have sections without months of posting and 'how do I wipe my nose german style' , nonsense when it does. I mean really??? Do new members not know how to use a search function???
Can this be traced back to mass expulsions over a certain member - who's still here - having threads devoted to the nonsense he posted and then people who took this up being kicked off? Or did these people just go of their own accord about the same time? It seems to me it went to the dogs about then.
No offence but I was myself shocked to see a post a while ago from a new member proudly announcing they'd Googled where their insignia should go then asking would we like them to post it to show us?!?!?
Seriously guys this forum used to kick ass and now it's gone to pot. If i get banned for stating the obvious then so be it but I belive a sensible conversation needs to be had to halt the very sad decline of once great meeting place.

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:13 am
by Feld Kuche
I'd agree...........traffic has certainly slowed excepting the for sale section.

I still come, though I've stopped posting.....Every time I did a particular individual would pop up, almost time it to the second and it became entertaining.....but he's still here so I won't speak ill of him.

Still, its just a coincidence though I think.....No-one wants to work for a result or wait longer than 8.5 seconds for one either.....Without showing the level of experience of the forum through educational posts, etc, are new members just assuming everyone else is in the same boat?

Quality creates quality.

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:50 am
by askhati
Seen the same in South Africa. Forum trafficked slumped in 2013, and ended in 2014. Only ghosts and bots now. Everyone has moved to FB (ease of use / access / photo uploads) :-/

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:17 am
by saddler
I had PC software issies lasr year sometime & most of ny stored password settings were wiped .

Couldn't log in so requested password reset.
No joy....tried again.
Tried dozens of times.
Tried setting up as new user.
Nothing worked......
Only just got back in the other week as the password reset feature was finally working!

Got back onto the site to find it close to deserted.
Either I missed all the bun fights or people have lost interest.
Never knew of any expulsions until now. Still none the wiser over who & why, etc.
Sadly such things seem to happen on all forums as soon as they get popular!

Hope to see more life in the place as the section I'm mainly in was quiet enough as it is (was?)

FaceBook is not an option as I can't stand the place & refuse to have an account there.

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:30 am
by Sturmschar
I don't think that its due to past lunacy and unpleasantness, after all the other Forum is largely hijacked by a particular chap who is obsessed with banging on about his own political prejudices but there's very little genuine re-enactment traffic. People have drifted away to social media and rooting through the faecal matter of their lives in public, ok if you like that sort of thing - personally I find it intrusive and dangerous. Its a shame that good forums have degenerated but if you want a live WW2 forum with no politics or unpleasantness and catering a wide range of re-enacting, vehicle restoration and collecting threads and topics try I can recommend it.

Andy (Oskar)

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:15 am
by SplinterA
Some of certainly is down to past over zealous moderation.
If you have banned many of your core posters who is going to post?
It did once or twice get a bit feisty but it's a forum and we are supposed to be grown ups.
That bloke on the other forum is a serious foil hat wearing nut job but seems to have the mod on his side so is bullet proof. I don't think bigoted xenophobe is too strong an epithet.

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:30 am
by pepperpot
social media such as Facebook has a lot to say in its favour its easy to log on you can go anywhere without much trouble most WW2 groups have their own FB page and so on. This forum really is only used for items to sell and that's only because FB wont allow certain types of info to be read.
its shame but I cant see it getting any better

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:48 pm
by Halle
I still visit ( obviously ) but maybe once a week to see if there's anything interesting going on . I'm sure it's a combination of things, social media being one , maybe it's just a downward trend ? - for my own part , I've pretty much packed in doing anything except Gebirgsjager , and then only abroad . Due to my age ( nearly 49 ) I've started doing Kaiserschützen , ( WW1 Austrian Mountain troops ) it's perfectly realistic to do it at that age , doing front line WW2 just doesn't seem right any more , and apart from appearing in officers uniform in the beer tent , I've no wish to do "rear echelons" .

No one on here really wants to do GJ properly , so there's very little incentive to visit . The last post from Glenn re Project Edelweiss ( the last one next year :cry: ) received precisely zero interest.. it's not everyone's cup of tea I know , but hey , there's not even that much basic GJ chat and I've done my bit with the picture library.

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:51 pm
by Jaws
I think FB has taken most from the forum.



Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:46 am
by Sturmschar
I can only repeat the relentless march of Facebook really only encapsulates the more feeble minded anal retentive's if you are looking for a thriving and encompassing WW2 German leaning forum join .


Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:25 pm
by Halle
Sturmschar wrote:I can only repeat the relentless march of Facebook really only encapsulates the more feeble minded anal retentive's if you are looking for a thriving and encompassing WW2 German leaning forum join .


I'm a member of this already , haven't visited for a while . Last time I looked it was all about awards and uniforms etc. Very informative , but not really about reenactment ..

Maybe I'll pay it a quick visit , cheers Andy.

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:14 am
by Sturmschar
Stefan the thing about Wehrmacht Awards is that there are a huge number of "sub forums" I spend most of my time on Communications Equipment for field telephone related stuff and Actung Panzer for vehicle related stuff, the list is endless the for sale section is pretty good as well.


Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 2:52 am
by ssparatrooper
i dont bother much as most of the subject matter is rubbish where bone questions are asked without the most basic of research

followed by that "person" just doing what they want anyway i think they are called askholes!

also i do agree the facebook thing has taken over but there are even more askholes on there, i have some knowledge on some things and i dont mind sharing that with people who want to reenact it but i am afraid reenacting has changed into some public show drinking club for the most part or people spouting utter rubbish to clueless members of the public, i have no drama with being sociable (ish) but that side of it has taken over

there is more good reproduction stuff available nowadays yet the authenticity of the majority has fallen why? even gas guns instead of real guns just what exactly are you reenacting with a gas MG42 on a laffette does no one want to actually fire one and learn the drills and get eaten by the things anymore?

the funny thing is there are younger less experienced reenactors doing a better job than some that have been at it years

i dont just think this forum is dying on its arse i think the scene is full stop

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:39 am
by Pug42
Gotta agree with you there KK, for years my favourite part of reenacting was always the private battles (Bristol, LLandrindod Wells, Swinnerton, Pip Park, Thetford, Mereworth, Longmoor etc etc) but nobody does them now! Swanning around Public Shows is the height of most people's ambition!

Not reenacting now! Combination of above and being age-inappropriate (!)

Re: So...why is this forum dying on it's ass?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:54 pm
by askhati
We're also seeing the Beer Tent phenomenon taking over in SA at public events, as small as the scene is here. You struggle to find a picture that does not involve red-faced buffoons clutching beer tankards and looking inappropriate. If the highlight of the show is getting a biker girl to pose topless on your bike, then you have to wonder about how serious things are being taken... I hesitate to call them "re-enactors", as merely putting on a uniform makes you neither a re-enactor nor a real soldier. "Living dummies", perhaps, with an emphasis on the latter part.

Our strongest WW2 re-enactments are currently *shock gasp* airsoft ones, where we have young guys in the proper kit running around with airsoft weapons, practicing the drills, learning to work as a team, learning the Assault Team / Gun Team cooperation, etc.