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Team Pst! Airsoft

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:20 am
by Hoffman Grink
I have a suggestion Kameraden!
Seeing as it's getting popular - Why don't we form a team to play?
No membership fees, no daft rules, no bosses, no this and that....
Let's have some FUN.
I propose we use this area to get together - cross re-enacting group friendship and book into the WWII games that are increasing in number.

Whoever's going turns up, arranges informally who's gonna run the squad or squads and we have a complete chill out....

One thing - I do fancy that we keep our standards of dress and stick to a uniform. Therefore - and some of you will be surprised I propose
Dot 44 as the base uniform with your normal feldgrau underneath - Makes us all SS irrespective of cufftitle.
In hot weather - just Erbsmuster (dot 44 to the non german speakers)
Winter - wear padded Oak.....
No Italian, NO exotic shite..... just busines like soldiers, identifiable and tricked out with correct fieldgear, weapons and helmets etc.

That's it - only "rule" is dress code.... What do you say?

Nelz - I'm thinking of bankrupting meself on a 42 and a 44...... the geezer from shoot and scoot does kits for HK33s...... tempting......

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:19 am
by nelz
Sounds good,... I'm now drooling at the prospect of increasing my arsenal out of all proportion,... well f##k it, .. has gotta spend yer money on summat !! :D

Team PST, also sounds a good idea, count me in on that one. Can I take me combo !! 8)

Not taken much notice of the airsoft world, until the new topic came up on the PST Forum. ..... Sh#t !!.. I've bin missing a crackin time!! :shock:

Can't wait for me fist event !!! :D :D

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:22 am
by nelz
Paul, any suggestions to a good event location !!

Our neck of the woods , would be nice !

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:38 am
by Stigroadie
Try finding a nice print in erbs though. RAU most dont like cos it's too grey. The HK prints vary from 'hmm?' to 'have you ever seen the real deal?'
Why not heer, most folk have field grey or hbt? You might loose out as a]some people wont want to do SS b] will all venues be happy with SS and c] the cut off for purchasing airsoft guns is Sunday night unless you meet their regs and are on the data base.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:58 am
by stubblehopper
F*cking great, real glad to see you blokes starting to do this, just what we need, do two teams, one heer and one ss, if you can get enough blokes together, I'll happily take you to an airsoft site in county Durham for an initial try out any weekend you like, if I ask a few people I could scrape together 8 or 9 weapons for you to have a play with in kit. Could get 1 x MG42, 1x K98 2x MP40's 1x m14 and 2 x ak47's and maybe 2 x G33's, your opponents would be in dpm's, but you'll get a taste

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:19 am
by Hoffman Grink
Nah nah nah! This is INFORMAL!
Team Pst! just turn up and play but we dress alike so we know who we are and have an identity.
I'll get Chris Hobbs to do us our Dot Pattern - the stuff he sells is way passable - And I've been reading on the airsoft thingummy - We don't have to stitch nazi.... It's more like LARPing with guns (I think) Just don't wanna go like old Gadge the Teech and bling everyone up like Kurt Steiner

If soemone wants to organise a proper team then I'll join - but I ain't running shit! I run enough shit and I don't want any more shit to run because I will shit coming out me ears otherwise...... :lol:

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:11 am
by dink
PMSL not MORE SS :roll: we're already over run with them :lol: Some of that I think is down to Stubblehopper and Heide, it seems its the holy grail for the axis airsofters, we need more heer (note I'm not agreeing with stig honest) :lol: and note it doesn't have to be GD though the cufftitles do help us distinguish each other a smidge when hiding amongst the foliage. Some of us don't do the bling factor you know ;) and poor Mr Benn I'd give my right arm to nick some of his wardrobe contents :oops: anyways moving swiftly on :lol:

Seriously though can do what you want, cool eitherway to have more people wanting to play :D Just a shame we can't find more allies :roll: Yith, we need more targets :twisted:

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:57 am
by stubblehopper
just wondering if there are any similar forums to this one, but for the allied side, might be an idea to extend an invitation to some of them, as Dink is right, more targets please!

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 12:10 pm
by dink
Appolgies (cos I know stig will moan at me and this slight side step) :( :lol: )

Chris, I believe the reason Yith has joined this one, is due to there being no like forum for all allies. There is a general forum, and interest on there has never picked up (certainly not akin to here) and certainly those on their of allied persuation tend to be the first to make put downs on the airsoft events (I'm assuming that mind, and I have noted they haven't advertised events on there recently as they have in the past). Thus targets need to be found from other sources :? sadly I think things like Churchills Revenge and the reality of what it entailed to those that didn't blurb properly put heed to alot of targets, theres several members that have all but disappeared since then (maybes through embaressment at their own ineptitude ;) )

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 3:43 pm
by Heinz
We don't have to stitch nazi.... It's more like LARPing with guns
Pretty much spot on i'd say. Though its been noticeable that people tend to "up their game" of their own accord.

Glad you mentioned Chris as well, need to place another order with him lol

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:53 pm
by dog green 1
Fwbl Dollman wrote:I'll get Chris Hobbs to do us our Dot Pattern - the stuff he sells is way passable - And I've been reading on the airsoft thingummy - We don't have to stitch nazi.... It's more like LARPing with guns (I think) Just don't wanna go like old Gadge the Teech and bling everyone up like Kurt Steiner
Get a rough idea on numbers on those that would need Dot pattern and we can sort out a bulk buy. The more I buy in the cheaper I can get it. As long as I make a bit of a profit on the overall sale I'll be happy. the wife might not be, but i will be.

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 7:54 pm
by Old 'Un
Ye he - a team of airsofting noobs for all us experienced old uns to shoot at ! :wink:

Kidding aside, getting together is good, Kameraderie is one of the best reasons if not the only reason for softing .

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:09 pm
by Schutze Mahr
I would like to be a member of Team Pst! We would kick arse. Oh yes.
But as we all probably know, our good old friends Das Government has drafted in another useless piece of legislation which takes effect in 3 hours time (this message was written at 21:03), which will make it difficult to get good airsoft weapons.
Team Pst! should have done to it whatever needs to be done in order for it's members to have a defence under the VCR act, should they not be reenactors, or for those that are reenactors to have a... double defence(?).
Well, I'm only 16. My rants are not that important... yet.

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:25 pm
by dog green 1
Schutze Mahr wrote:I would like to be a member of Team Pst! We would kick arse. Oh yes.
But as we all probably know, our good old friends Das Government has drafted in another useless piece of legislation which takes effect in 3 hours time (this message was written at 21:03), which will make it difficult to get good airsoft weapons.
Team Pst! should have done to it whatever needs to be done in order for it's members to have a defence under the VCR act, should they not be reenactors, or for those that are reenactors to have a... double defence(?).
Well, I'm only 16. My rants are not that important... yet.
The new bill as far as I believe will not make it difficult to get hold of good airsoft weapons. Dealers will still be allowed to sell such items as long as the buyer is over 18( :shock: sorry thats you you out of the equation for a couple more years) The buyer must also belong to either a re-enactment/living history group or part of an Airsoft skirmish team. Both should have public liability insurance.
What it will mean is Joe Blogs might find it difficult going on line and buying in an AEG from the supplier directly.
As it is I'm having difficulty getting my Far East suppliers to send out AEG's as they are a little jumpy about sending things to the UK at the moment.

Re: Team Pst! Airsoft

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:17 pm
by kgzohl
Heer Heer

nuf sed