British war on U boats

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British war on U boats

Post by Shergar »

British war on U boats

16th september 1939

successful british attacks on u boats were disclosed in a ministry of information communique issued yesterday . how british sailorsw cheered when the crew of a u boat was revealed yesterday when the captain and the crew of the sunken vessel British Influence were landed after being picked up by a norwegian vessel Ida Baake .

the submarine , after sinking the vessel , told the crew to remain where they were and then went away and returned with a rescue ship . the british communique states :
his majesty's destroyers , patrol vessels and aircraft have been carrying out constant patrols over wide areas in search of enemy u boats . many attacks have been made and a number of u boats have been destroyed . survivors have been rescued and captured where possible .

how the crew of a british ship sunk by a u boat on thursday cheered the u boat after her commander had seen them safe aboard a norwegian ship and how the men on the u boat responded with cheers for the british seamen was told yesterday , when captain hugh mc michael of falmouth and the menbers of the crew were brought ashore by the local life boat .
" the submarine again came along the life boats and the commander said that a rescue ship was on the way . he fired three rockets into the air to attract the rescue ships . the captain sid that when the rescue ships did not seem to be appearing the submarine commander told the crew to wait where they were and he would go and get the rescue ship for them .
after some time the submarine returned with the norwegian ship which took the crew of the british influence on board.
whe the vrew were all on board the rescue ship they gave cheers for the submarine crew , the submarine crew replied by giving three cheers for the british influence the submarine then submerged .
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