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Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:52 pm
by reddevil1311
Indeed, Les is right. There are a number of members who are decent people who do lots for charity etc. They have attempted to "clean themselves up" which led to a split and formation of the equivalent of the "provisional NLBA" (cant remember what they are called).

Unfortunately they still manage to attract louts. Short of disbanding, rebranding and setting up completely new, I do not know how they will get away from their existing reputation, and loutish hangers on.


Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:03 pm
by barnaclebill
OT - Paul I don't hold anything against you at all, I don't quiet understand where this coming from.
Not being funny or sarky, you beileve in what you are saying and you won't be swayed, you'd be good.
Does that sound derogatory or egregious? I genuinely didn't think so. I wouldn't have said anything if I'd thought you'd get touchy.

I've always said to your face and openly I thought AFRA was a good thing and I genuinely can see the benefit and good that it does for those who need the service. I've never said otherwise and I have never knocked AFRA. So please can we just agree to disagree about whatever?

Getting toward On Topic... May be I misunderstood, I appologise if I have but are you asking me personally what I did at Beltring? As I said nothing, because I don't go any more but I do work hard at other events. And not going to Beltring brings me...

On Topic - I don't go to Belters due to elements like NLBA. Many more people have said the same on these very pages. Possibly the event would be a better, friendler, quieter and more efficient without them? At the end of the day the last say will be up to Rex, not reenactors. If Rex wants them there then that's that I suppose.

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:28 pm
by Dietmar
Hoffman Grink wrote:I can only suggest if you have any issues with NLBA that you do as N44 did nd address them directly -
PD, I'm shocked! Are you suggesting resorting to fisticuffs?

Sorry, late for this thread, but couldn't resist stirring.
(I was at the back, holding the bigger boys' jackets....hee,hee....)

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:17 pm
by Hoffman Grink
Dietmar wrote:
Hoffman Grink wrote:I can only suggest if you have any issues with NLBA that you do as N44 did nd address them directly -
PD, I'm shocked! Are you suggesting resorting to fisticuffs?

Sorry, late for this thread, but couldn't resist stirring.
(I was at the back, holding the bigger boys' jackets....hee,hee....)
Dietmar - Schwarze Engel on here is very keen to get in touch with you..... Please PM him........

Fisticuffs my dear man? It didn't stoop to those depths....... and I never start fights............

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:24 pm
by Hoffman Grink
Matt - I already said - a man's actions speak louder than his words - What you say and what you do are to often completely different things - And there are more than me to see it.

How's your Section 5 application?

My main asset is my networking skills and my retention. People would be amazed at what I know and the speed with which I get to know it............

My contacts are also very good - a lot of them loyal friends.........

So shall we leave it there? I think so. I'm becoming tired of people trying to joust.......

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:01 am
by barnaclebill
Hoffman Grink wrote:How's your Section 5 application?
Ah, now I see where it's coming from. :wink:

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:47 am
by Hoffman Grink
barnaclebill wrote:
Hoffman Grink wrote:How's your Section 5 application?
Ah, now I see where it's coming from. :wink:
No - you only think you do............
I've seen where it was coming from for a long time.

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:57 am
by Dietmar
Hoffman Grink wrote: Dietmar - Schwarze Engel on here is very keen to get in touch with you..... Please PM him........

Anyway, back on topic. It came damned close to fisticuffs. The only thing that stopped it was them hiding behind their gobby women.
Funny thing was though, after the event a few single middle aged blokes came out and complained about their behaviour. But I guess that's the way they work. They intimidate by being a mob. Until another mob faces up to them......

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:06 am
by ssparatrooper
they are full of piss and wind

i went in their tent on my own the day after one of them chinned someones son in the sbg, the offending "hard bloke" a grown man of the steriod variety would not come and talk to me in fact he hid??? i know my people skills are bad but **** me :lol:

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:49 pm
by les hearn
ssparatrooper wrote:they are full of piss and wind

know my people skills are bad but **** me :lol:

did school teach people skills then

hey how come stewarts got a fire engine now..
spotted him at damyns

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:50 pm
by ssparatrooper
has he?

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:51 pm
by Ziggy
Dietmar wrote:
Hoffman Grink wrote:I can only suggest if you have any issues with NLBA that you do as N44 did nd address them directly -
PD, I'm shocked! Are you suggesting resorting to fisticuffs?

Sorry, late for this thread, but couldn't resist stirring.
(I was at the back, holding the bigger boys' jackets....hee,hee....)
N44 didn't resort to 'fisticuffs' and I resent the insinuation of such idle gossip, especially when it has no base in reality.

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:08 pm
by maddog
Ziggy wrote:
Dietmar wrote:
Hoffman Grink wrote:I can only suggest if you have any issues with NLBA that you do as N44 did nd address them directly -
PD, I'm shocked! Are you suggesting resorting to fisticuffs?

Sorry, late for this thread, but couldn't resist stirring.
(I was at the back, holding the bigger boys' jackets....hee,hee....)
N44 didn't resort to 'fisticuffs' and I resent the insinuation of such idle gossip, especially when it has no base in reality.

I am sure you were asleep mate, but your right there were no fisticuffs. :twisted:

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:05 am
by Dietmar
It's not so much idle gossip, more an illustration of what is needed to deal with such antisocial elements. However, as you can see from the way the conversation developed, that it didn't resort to violence.
My initial comment was merely to point out that, unfortunately, these sort of people only seem to respond to threats of violence, even when their behaviour clearly endangers others (ie., doing handbrake turns at high speed in the early hours of the morning in a crowded camping area) which was the final event which prompted N44 into taking action after they had previously requested, politely, that they moderate their behaviour. I believe they were justified in doing so.

Re: NLBA Disgrace!

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 8:33 am
by Ziggy
Ah, I get you now.
In terms of the behaviour of the NLBA, I'm reminded of the infamous time when the Rolling Stones got the Hells Angels to do security at a show. The result only came only as a shock to the 'Stones but to nobody else. You don't have to look hard to find many, many posts on the forums highlighting NLBA behaviour every year. The fact that one of their own members - now by their own admission - was drunkenly in charge of a vehicle and driving in a manner that would most certainly have separated him from his driving license for the many a year surely can't come as a shock to anyone, especially not the powers that be. The fact that nobody seemed to want to stop their fellow idiot and their defense of his actions became a scene is pretty damning since people nominated as marshalls even for one night thought that it was fine to be totally pissed while doughnutting a car meters from tentfuls of people. All pretty damning to the show, especially since they report that the person has been ejected from the club afterwards.
The point is, none of this stuff shocks anyone who's had dealings with them at all. Folk talk about negative press but loutish behaviour from the group given marshall shirts and their apparently officially sanctioned retarded and dangerous actions is surely a fair bit worse than a bloke getting a bit 'robust' in his views at the beer tent?

NLBA are nothingmore than a gang of school bullies who've been given prefect badges. They spend the week doing what they want, breaking the actual law, intimidating people and generally being obnoxious arseholes.