Alternate History - Valkyrie successful

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der Blutiger Eimer
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Alternate History - Valkyrie successful

Post by der Blutiger Eimer »

i've been wondering lately what might have happened if Operation Valkyrie had been successful. say, sufficient explosives were used, or the bomb had been placed close enough...
I'm assuming it would have taken several days, maybe even weeks for the conspirators to gain full control of the military and civil resources of the Reich and German-occupied territories. I would anticipate widespread SS resistance, holdouts, vengance and retaliation, from prison/concentration camp guards to possible Werewolf orders to rogue SS units.
Suppose a secret proposal was sent to the western Allies. Suppose they found it tempting enough to go back on their "unconditional surrender" demands. Suppose Germany agrees to completely withdraw from France, the Low Countries, and Italy, and agrees to share authority in the occupied countries on the East Front for five years before completely withdrawing. In exchange for protection from retaliation from Russia. What if they agreed to relinquish all military installations to the soverign country they were located in. The Nazi party is disbanded, disavowed, and punished. United Nations-led war crimes trials are held, and cooperated with by the German government. Allied press agencies are allowed to cover all developments.
Formerly-occupied countried are stabilized/protected by an Allied Constabulary force as they rebuild their civil and military systems.
Allied forces are switched over to the Pacific theatre, where they accelerate the pace of the war effort, up to preparations to invade the Japanese home islands.
Germany secretly agrees to send scientists to help with the Manhattan project. Germany agrees to contribute its forces to the fight in the Pacific, including Snorkel-equipped U-boats and V-1 and V-2 missiles.
Russia declines to declare war on Japan.
Lend-lease to the USSR is allowed to expire.
Atomic bombs are dropped on Japan in early spring of 1945. The war in the Pacific ends.
Poland is divided along the Vistula River into a Western Allies/German-occupied section and a eastern Russian-occupied section. The USSR builds a wall through Warsaw and along the Vistula to prevent "infiltrators" and "dissidents" from crossing. They are suddenly unable to account for large amounts of Prisoners of War which they are being called upon to repatriate. Churchill realizes the implications of their actions and declares that an "iron curtain" has descended upon Poland. The Russians violently use military force to clear "Nazi resistance" from Eastern Warsaw. Western Allies' reconnaissance reveals widespread civilian casualties. Public opinion of Russia in the United States and Britain falls to a pre-war low.

how would it end? mushroom clouds over Leningrad and Stalingrad? Patton, Montgomery, and Model leading an armored spearhead of Shermans and Tigers into Moscow?

what do you think? is any of this plausible? naturally, i haven't accounted for every variable or development, but have i missed any obvious snags to such a scenario? thanks for reading!
p.s. if anyone steals this and writes a book, i want royalties, lol!
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Re: Alternate History - Valkyrie successful

Post by Tychsen »

Russia would have insisted on occupying part of Gemany , the dish best served cold. Germany is divided but the Russian sector of Berlin is within an Allied occupied zone.
Cold War stand off developing very quickly amid Stalin's mistrust of the Allies and potential for conflict.

News of the Final Solution sours initial relationships with the new German Goverment , who had previously invited an Allied presence in Germany to forstall any Russian attempts to move west.

Germany hands over the nazi goverment for trial - German Army is confined to barracks under a joint Anglo German command , the Allies having actual control.

Denazification is pressed ahead with the intention of restoring a civilian goverment to germany when the nazis are dealt with an political stability is evident.

The war in the far east ends quickly following a Soviet invasion of apanese occupied China - Japan expereinces internal civil war for a short period as pro and anti war power blocks fight it out.
Japan surrenders and is occupied by the Americans , the bomb is finished but has not been tested.
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Re: Alternate History - Valkyrie successful

Post by Chorlitz|12.SS| »

Too much to think about.
Too much to write about .
Too many possibilities.
And too many ideas.

History is History and we can't change it.

But I can see where you are coming from. I have often thought about 'if certain decisions had not have been made', and 'if that bomb would have been in a different place'.

“"The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes"”-Adolf Hitler
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Re: Alternate History - Valkyrie successful

Post by Panzer007 »

The part to this I`d be interested in would be concerning the Waffen SS,moreso LSSAH. After all Sepp (apparently) knew of it But IF it had happened how would the men of acted. As I can see a true mixed bag of feelings.
There`s the feelings to their murdered leaded.
There`s the feelings towards Sepp & of course the unit.

Also other Waffen SS units would they have bowed down or gone against the new reich?

It`s like anything with hindsight or alterante possibilities though,each person can speculate but that`s all it is.
Though how would Russia,The West & the conquered Nations have re-acted too.
Way to much information to sit & work out really.
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