Swap information and ask any questions about an impression.
Hoffman Grink


Post by Hoffman Grink »

Hmmmmmm where to put this....... I suppose tips and tricks might be OK.......

Way back when - When I was part of a conventional group portraying a fixed unit - We came up with some pretty cool stuff in our time - We were considered quite an outfit and we achieved many things - Lots of which survive to this day and indeed set trends if I may put the modesty cap in the drawer for a moment or two.

But all things changed and some of us went on to form something else new and rather radical but the recent crop of noobs and - yep - sorry - dweebs, has prompted me to try something. Instead of simply criticising and piss taking - I thought I'd try to share some old fashioned techniques and get back to basics - The basics of what makes a group GOOD and what makes a re-enactor worth his salt.

I don't know how it's going to be received - probably criticised by the current crop of starlets and fly boys - Certainly I feel the Euro babes might have a jump on it - But remember - We DID it - By using the techniques and the methods illustrated on this thread - We made the Windhund a known group and we established some precedents that are still the foundation of many groups. Certainly - We weren't wholly original - I personally acknowledge in GREAT part the SBG and its structure, excellent discipline and attention to detail. I fully conceded that a lot of what I did in the 90's and 00's owed much to that venerable organisation that today still stands out amongst them all. I also say that we took some aspects of the hobby and we modernised them. We even dared to innovate in places and we certainly changed the direction of some aspects of the game......

How did we do it? Kameradschaft, Purpose and Direction. We ran a tight ship - It was made up of MEN, not nampy pamby dressy uppy boys...... We were men who put on a uniform and we knew what we were going to do that weekend. We had goals and objectives and we did something VERY important. We communicated. We talked to each other - on the phone, in the pub, at the gig - The internet was in its infancy and only a few took it up immediately - So we used that as a communication tool too. We built a website and we put loads of content on it. We updated it regularly and we advertised.

Members had to have their kit together by a certain time - We had kit lists and we did something that I still believe is fundamentally important even in this electronic age.... WE HAD A NEWSLETTER! I kicked it off then Herr Schmidt did it for a while before I took it back on. It was an A5 publication and it ran sometimes to FORTY pages! I know SBG still publishes "Signal" and I believe this is an important tool in both making members feel they belong and in keeping people informed and in touch. I still have 27 or so issue of "Der Windhund" and I just spent a couple of hours reading them. Over a decade on, they still make sense and they are still current.

Our purpose as a group was mainly to recreate Panzer Grenadiers. We did this at static displays and we also rapidly decided to do battles for the public. To this end we kitted up with FAC1 rifles and we were the most prolific unit owning MGC MP40s for a while - I remember ELEVEN coming out to a battle one weekend! We had mortars, schrecks and all manner of toys which people used to stand and drool over - Yeah - sure - other groups had them too but the Windhund proper tooled up and made a noise wherever it went! We had FUN! But alongside this there was a serious side and members used to arrange trips to the Heurtgenwald every year too. Vehicles were a large part of the 116 and at its peak I remember the following vehicles all being incorporated at the same time
2x OT810 converted halftracks
1x Marder Munitionschlepper
1x Opel Blitz
3 x Typ82 Keubelwagens (1 replica)
1 x Typ166 Schwimmwagen
4x Dnieper/Ural converted Combis
Why the history lesson? Well it's about history isn't it? and roots..... and I feel a lot of this hobby has lost its roots at the moment.

So back to the fundamentals and the basis of this thread - I'd like to reproduce some documents which saw their final form in 2005 and were of great help when getting people started and up to speed in this hobby. They gave people something to do and something to learn over and above "what am best gun" and "Which am best choonik"

I hope that they will be as well received as they were by members of 116 and that people will take them and adapt them to use within their own units. FFS - don't start a bunfight over wrong spellings or mistakes in drill, uniform or whatever - just take the documents for what they are - aids. Aids to making people belong and making people look, act and feel right. If there is a mistake here and there - then make sure your document corrects it - Don't try to score points on me with petty postings to make yourself look smarter - Remember - I have been there and done it - Have you??????
Hoffman Grink


Post by Hoffman Grink »

I'll start with the first three and see how they are received - if it's good I have 9 more.
Hoffman Grink


Post by Hoffman Grink »

1 Basic Kit List.jpg
1 Basic Kit List.jpg (90.98 KiB) Viewed 22555 times
Hoffman Grink


Post by Hoffman Grink »

2 Dress Regsa.jpg
2 Dress Regsa.jpg (87.88 KiB) Viewed 22553 times
2 Dress Regsb.jpg
2 Dress Regsb.jpg (85.72 KiB) Viewed 22553 times
Hoffman Grink


Post by Hoffman Grink »

3 Basic Foot Drill.jpg
3 Basic Foot Drill.jpg (62.42 KiB) Viewed 22551 times
3 doesn't look very clear but I don't know if you can click on it and enlarge it..... Let me know and I'll see what I can do if it's not right.
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Post by JDR »

Funny you mention newsletters i was thinking about them last week when some old reemactment pics were put up on facebook. this got me wondering how many groups still publish newsletters or have private group forums taken over? i must admit i used to look forward to the monthly newsletter coming through the post.
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Post by pepperpot »

we had the same when i was with the old FJR6 back in the start of 2000, included news letters and warning orders etc there were codes of practice for uniforms and we also had a aircrew hut in Selby which was attended every approx 1 month for weekend training, etc. great when you have a vet , Gerry K, who would instruct us on all forms of basic training. Learnt alot but most never was used in private or public battles, got black wound badge for actual damage to me!! :D :D i suppose the most important thing was how to wear the uniform and how clean it should be, kameradership as well. do i miss it NO!!! well not all of it. what ever any person decided to protray, there is always some there to help if you get it wrong. so i guess with so many people re enacting the basics arnt really necessary as long as you keep in touch by phone and NOT emails as they can be completely mis understood. that it, my 2 peneth
Hoffman Grink


Post by Hoffman Grink »

WindhundNewsletters.jpg (34.96 KiB) Viewed 22500 times
Just a selection of the old newsletters...... They really gave members a sense of belonging.


Post by meyer »

if I may put the modesty cap in the drawer for a moment or two.
first you got to get it out the drawer dust it off and only then may you return it :lol: .lots of good sagely advice in this tread paul but why it's it i can hear the sound of the hovis add in the back ground :?: returning you all now too normal :?: service :lol:
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Post by Walther »

Hoffman Grink wrote:
Just a selection of the old newsletters...... They really gave members a sense of belonging.
I still have 90% of ours that have been published over the years - even the one with the announcement that I'd joined the group in it which always makes me smile.

All good advice though for them's that can be arsed to read it and take it in.

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Post by les hearn »

the 39-45 feldgendarme still have monthly newsletters
i got to admit i look forward to em comming as there is lots of usefull info in em
and it really does make you "belong" to the group
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Post by Brigardefuhrer »

Here is a 1999 edition
Signal.jpg (213.36 KiB) Viewed 22466 times
,battle reports
Signal 001.jpg
Signal 001.jpg (165.04 KiB) Viewed 22466 times
and the original kit display
Signal 002.jpg
Signal 002.jpg (104.87 KiB) Viewed 22466 times
.Drill has also played a large part in the SBG,the veteran who taught us,drummed into us that a soldier is a 'clean' person,that you start off with polished boots ect; and then get them dirty,if you learn how to look like a soldier,you will act like a soldier.Now I'm not preaching to you out there,this is what works for the SBG,after all the original motto of the LAH was "we are the best,because the best is expected of us".(and no we don't get it right all the time,but we try.)
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Post by barryG »

Good topic this, agree 100% about the newsletter making you feel part of a group and providing information.
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Post by SchnellMeyer »

Oh Meine Gott , how young and fit I look on the front page of the SBG Newsletter with my Alte Kamerad " Der Brigardefuhrer " , bloody hell JJ those were the good old days .
Nice topic Paul :D

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Hoffman Grink


Post by Hoffman Grink »

John - with reference to this - If this describes the Hawkinge battle then I think that's me sat over the driver's position on the halftrack!!!!! I note with a tinge of nostalgia the mention of Oberg Gren. Richter - Now in Valhalla...... How time's change.

You are right Herr Schnellmeyer we were all younger and fitter and more beautiful in those days. :lol: And they were indeed good. 8)
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