WWII axis re-enactment groups
Reenactment Groups
If you know of a good site, please submit a link.
Links are arranged in no particular order.
United Kingdom
AFRA - Insurance and pyrotechnics for many groups.
Das Reich - 2nd SS panzer division Das Reich
Re-enacting the Wehrmacht, the 272 division
Feldgendarmerie 39-45 ww2 german military police
fg39-45 (uk)
FJR6. A good compreshensive site on Fallschirmjager reenacting. Lots of info, photos etc
SS Pz.Gr. Rgt4 Der Fuhrer
Panzer Fuesillier Regiment Grossdeutschland
JRA - Jap reenactment
2/Pz.Aufkl.Abt.Grossdeutschland (GD Recon) - Established group depicting rifle men of the armoured reconnaissance battalion in the elite Wehrmacht Division 'Grossdeutschland' that saw service in most of the main theatres of war on the Eastern front. Comprehensive and regularly updated website with pictures, video, events and articles submitted by group members.
HG Flak -- Herman Goering Division
SS Fallschirmjäger Batl. 500/600
Second Battle Group (SBG) -- Grenadiers of the 1.SS.Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
Kompanie 1 -- 12thSS Hitlerjugend and others.
916 -- The 916. Grenadier Regiment
Das Heer -- Infantry Regiment 27 12th Infantry Division
The 39-45 Living History society
Feldgendarmerie Trupp 82 (mot) / 2. Panzer Division
Fallschirmjaeger Regiment 2
GrossDeutschland - 2/KP Panzer Grenadier Rgt Groβdeutschland
Panzer Füsillier Regiment Grossdeutschland
Recreating as closely as possible the sights and sounds of a German armoured infantry unit on the Eastern Front in the last two years of the Second World War The U-Boat Society
Accept the Fuhrer's schilling! Re-enactment group dedicated to kriegsmarine submariners.
Kampfgruppe Sud -- Liebstandarte SS Panzer Division
USA - Heer & Luftwaffe
World War II Research and Preservation Society -- California non-profit corporation that has been active in historical research
Gebirgsjaeger Regiment 98 -- mountain troops "First-Person" living history
Panzer Grenadier Division Großdeutschland -- 7./ Kompanie Grossdeutschland
Gefechtstroß -- combat support trains of the Großdeutschland Infantry Division
Panzer Füsilier Regiment Großdeutschland 44-45
Der Erste Zug - Heer living history organisation
2nd Panzer Division -- Preserving the memory of the 2nd Panzer Division, Who Fought Bravely and with Honor During WWII
21st Panzer -- Panzergrenadier Regiment 125, II battalion, 5 Kompanie
116 panzer -- 7th Kompanie, 60th Panzergrenadier Regiment of the 116th Panzer "Windhund" Division
116 panzer -- 116th Panzer Division Reconnaissance
3rd Panzergrenadier Division
Panzer Aufkl�rungs Abteilung 11 (11th Panzer reconnaissance detachment)
G.J.R. 98 -- Gebirgsjaeger-regiment 98
43rd SturmpionierBataillon
3. Kompanie, Infanterieregiment 226 79. Infanterie Division
98th Infantry Division --World War 2 reenacting unit located centrally in Tampa, Florida
Division Española de Voluntarios -- spanish volunteers
Feldgendarmerie Trupp 82
2nd Panzer
The 12th SS Hitlerjugend MN,WI
1.SS panzer Division -- Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
12.SS Hitler Jugend
2.SS-Panzer Division "Das Reich"
The 2nd Waffen SS Das Reich Division
16(Pionier)Kompanie SS Pz.Gren.Regt. "Deutschland"
5.SS "Wiking"
The 9th Waffen-SS Panzer Division "Hohenstaufen"
10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg - 3rd Kompanie Aufklärungs Abteilung
4th SS SS-Polizei Division, WWII Living History Associatio
10. Waffen-SS Panzer-Division "Frundsberg"
SS-PnzGrn. Rgt. 25/12.SS-PzDiv. "Hitler Jugend"
14. SS Division Galicia (Nr.1 Ukrainian) 30. SS Regiment
17. SS Panzer-Grenadier Division, "Götz von Berlichingen", 38. Regiment, 1. Abteilung, 2. Kompanie
Kampfgruppe Haase
Kriegsmarine Kuestenabteilung Nord
Museumsprojekt Ostwestfalen -- german group, wehrmacht living history
6. SS "Nord"
MILITÄRHISTORISKA SÄLLSKAPET -- World War Two reenactment society.
Kampfgruppe Edelweiss -- reenacting 1.Kompanie 100 Gebirgjaeger Regiment 5 Gebirgsjaeger Division in 1939-1945 period.
Panzergrenadiers of the Leibstandarte
ww2 irish reenacment society -- Ulster rifles and Inniskillens. Their website is not yet up but if you are in Ireland and interested please email stephenandalison@smurtagh.wanadoo.co.uk.
If you know of a good site, please submit a link.
Links are arranged in no particular order.
United Kingdom
AFRA - Insurance and pyrotechnics for many groups.
Das Reich - 2nd SS panzer division Das Reich
Re-enacting the Wehrmacht, the 272 division
Feldgendarmerie 39-45 ww2 german military police
fg39-45 (uk)
FJR6. A good compreshensive site on Fallschirmjager reenacting. Lots of info, photos etc
SS Pz.Gr. Rgt4 Der Fuhrer
Panzer Fuesillier Regiment Grossdeutschland
JRA - Jap reenactment
2/Pz.Aufkl.Abt.Grossdeutschland (GD Recon) - Established group depicting rifle men of the armoured reconnaissance battalion in the elite Wehrmacht Division 'Grossdeutschland' that saw service in most of the main theatres of war on the Eastern front. Comprehensive and regularly updated website with pictures, video, events and articles submitted by group members.
HG Flak -- Herman Goering Division
SS Fallschirmjäger Batl. 500/600
Second Battle Group (SBG) -- Grenadiers of the 1.SS.Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
Kompanie 1 -- 12thSS Hitlerjugend and others.
916 -- The 916. Grenadier Regiment
Das Heer -- Infantry Regiment 27 12th Infantry Division
The 39-45 Living History society
Feldgendarmerie Trupp 82 (mot) / 2. Panzer Division
Fallschirmjaeger Regiment 2
GrossDeutschland - 2/KP Panzer Grenadier Rgt Groβdeutschland
Panzer Füsillier Regiment Grossdeutschland
Recreating as closely as possible the sights and sounds of a German armoured infantry unit on the Eastern Front in the last two years of the Second World War The U-Boat Society
Accept the Fuhrer's schilling! Re-enactment group dedicated to kriegsmarine submariners.
Kampfgruppe Sud -- Liebstandarte SS Panzer Division
USA - Heer & Luftwaffe
World War II Research and Preservation Society -- California non-profit corporation that has been active in historical research
Gebirgsjaeger Regiment 98 -- mountain troops "First-Person" living history
Panzer Grenadier Division Großdeutschland -- 7./ Kompanie Grossdeutschland
Gefechtstroß -- combat support trains of the Großdeutschland Infantry Division
Panzer Füsilier Regiment Großdeutschland 44-45
Der Erste Zug - Heer living history organisation
2nd Panzer Division -- Preserving the memory of the 2nd Panzer Division, Who Fought Bravely and with Honor During WWII
21st Panzer -- Panzergrenadier Regiment 125, II battalion, 5 Kompanie
116 panzer -- 7th Kompanie, 60th Panzergrenadier Regiment of the 116th Panzer "Windhund" Division
116 panzer -- 116th Panzer Division Reconnaissance
3rd Panzergrenadier Division
Panzer Aufkl�rungs Abteilung 11 (11th Panzer reconnaissance detachment)
G.J.R. 98 -- Gebirgsjaeger-regiment 98
43rd SturmpionierBataillon
3. Kompanie, Infanterieregiment 226 79. Infanterie Division
98th Infantry Division --World War 2 reenacting unit located centrally in Tampa, Florida
Division Española de Voluntarios -- spanish volunteers
Feldgendarmerie Trupp 82
2nd Panzer
The 12th SS Hitlerjugend MN,WI
1.SS panzer Division -- Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
12.SS Hitler Jugend
2.SS-Panzer Division "Das Reich"
The 2nd Waffen SS Das Reich Division
16(Pionier)Kompanie SS Pz.Gren.Regt. "Deutschland"
5.SS "Wiking"
The 9th Waffen-SS Panzer Division "Hohenstaufen"
10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg - 3rd Kompanie Aufklärungs Abteilung
4th SS SS-Polizei Division, WWII Living History Associatio
10. Waffen-SS Panzer-Division "Frundsberg"
SS-PnzGrn. Rgt. 25/12.SS-PzDiv. "Hitler Jugend"
14. SS Division Galicia (Nr.1 Ukrainian) 30. SS Regiment
17. SS Panzer-Grenadier Division, "Götz von Berlichingen", 38. Regiment, 1. Abteilung, 2. Kompanie
Kampfgruppe Haase
Kriegsmarine Kuestenabteilung Nord
Museumsprojekt Ostwestfalen -- german group, wehrmacht living history
6. SS "Nord"
MILITÄRHISTORISKA SÄLLSKAPET -- World War Two reenactment society.
Kampfgruppe Edelweiss -- reenacting 1.Kompanie 100 Gebirgjaeger Regiment 5 Gebirgsjaeger Division in 1939-1945 period.
Panzergrenadiers of the Leibstandarte
ww2 irish reenacment society -- Ulster rifles and Inniskillens. Their website is not yet up but if you are in Ireland and interested please email stephenandalison@smurtagh.wanadoo.co.uk.